Memorial Lectures


Sir Vithal N. Chandavarkar was closely connected with the Institute from the year 1935 – first as a member of the Council and the Court and then as the Chairman of the Council from 1947 – 1959. He was also the President of the Court during the year 1950-51.

The Sir Vithal N. Chandavarkar Memorial Lecture is to be delivered by an eminent person selected by the Council on the suggestion of the Senate on any topic pertaining to ‘Industrial Economics’ or ‘Business Management’. This is arranged in alternate years (to alternate with the J. N. Tata Lecture).

List of Speakers:

A. D. Shroff

Finance for our Industries, 1963 Link

H. V. R. lyengar

The Impact of Government on Business Management, 1964 Link

P. L. Tandon

The New Managerial Society, 1967

B. R. Shenoy

National Savings and Industrial Finance—The Indian Experience, 1969 Link


The Role of Science and Technology in Economic Development, 1973 Link

S. Varadarajan

Scientists in the Management of Business, 1978 Link

D. S. Kothari

Science and Self – Knowledge, 1979

P. R. Brahmananda

Productivity in the Indian Economy, 1982

Manmohan Singh

Planning and Markets—Some Lessons of Recent Experience, 1986 Link

Hiten Bhaya

Energy Prospects—A Challenge to Indian Science and Technology, 1988

P. K. lyengar

Nuclear Power-Science and Technology in it—In Retrospect, 1990 Link

Viren J. Shah

The Management of Transition, 1993 Link

Bimal Jalan, Science

Technology & Development, 1998 Link

Montek Singh Ahluwalia

Critical Challenges for Economic Development, 2006 Link

C. Rangarajan

The Indian Economy: Challenges Ahead, 2008 Link

Kapil Sibal

Empowerment Through Education, 2010 Link

Dr.Raghuram Rajan

Governor, Reserve Bank of India, 27th February 2015 Link

Nirupama Menon Rao

retired Indian diplomat, Foreign Secretary and Ambassador to United States, China and Sri Lanka during her career, 6th June 2018 Link


The late M Ct M Chidambaram Chettiyar was a leading Industrialist and Banker of Madras and the Trust formed in his name is being managed by his sons. The Trust funds are utilised for educational purposes, like founding of Lectureships Scholarships, etc.

Mr. M Ct Muthia, son of the late Mr. M Ct M Chidambaram Chettiyar offered at the time of the Golden Jubilee Celebrations of the Institute in 1959, a sum of Rs.15,000 for founding an endowment for a course of lectures in the Faculty of Engineering at the Institute, available in alternate years. The Council accepted the offer and instituted the lectures. The lectures are instituted in the Engineering Faculty and normally are expected to be arranged once in two years.

List of Speakers:

K. L. Rao

The Modern Design of Dams 1961 Link

V. M. Ghatge

The Growth of the Aeronautical Industry In India, 1965 Link

G . S. Kasbekar

The development of Chemical Plants and Chemical Plant Fabrication in India, 1968

A. P. Kanvinde

The Role of the Architectural Profession in a Socialistic Pattern of Society, 1971 Link

M. M. Suri

Scientific Education and Unemployment in India, 1973

A. Ramachandran

Solar Energy – Challenges and Perspectives in India, 1977

B. D. Tilak

Challenging Opportunities for Rural Development through Science and Innovative Technology, 1985 Link

A. S. Ganguly

A Retrospective on Industrial Research, 1987 Link

M. M. Sharma

Microphases for Process Intensification, 1989 Link

A. P. Mitra

Environmental Hazards- A Scientific Appraisal, 1991 Link

S. K. Joshi

My Incursions into Condensed Matter Physics, 1994 Link

Y. K. Alagh

The future of Science and Technology in India, 1997 Link

V. K. Aatre

Electronic Warfare – A Perspective, 2000 Link

D. Subbarao

Economic Crisis and Crisis in Economics: Some Reflections, 2010 Link

M. K. Bhan

Performance and Promise in Vaccine Development, 2013 Link

Sam Pitroda

Chairman of India’s National Knowledge Commission, and CEO of World-tel Limited and founder and CEO of C-SAM, Inc., 2015. Link

Bibek Debroy

The making of a new India, 2018 Link


Dr. Morris Travers, FRS was the first director of the Institute from 1909-14. The Institute established a lecture in his memory in 1989 (vide council meeting dated 30-6-1989). The lecture to be given every alternate year by some person who has made significant contribution for the development of science and technology. Copy of the lecture is to be given in advance for printing and distribution. The lecturer will be paid travel, an honorarium of Rs.2000/- and will be treated as an Institute guest. The first lecture was given by Prof.Goverdhan Mehta on “Art and logic in organic synthesis” on 9th March 1990. The most recent and the 10th in the series was given by Prof.Ei-ichiNagishi in 2013.

List of Speakers:

G. Mehta

Art and Logic in Organic Synthesis, 1990 Link

R. A. Mashelkar

Fascination of Non – Newtonian Fluids, 1992 Link

P. T. Manoharan

Molecular Ferromagnets: A New Challenge for Inorganic Chemists, 1995 Link

Mihir Chowdhury

Magnetic Field and Chemical Dynamics, 1998 Link

J. F. Nixon

Phosphorus: The Carbon Copy, 2002 Link

Mihir Chowdhury

Magnetic Field and Chemical Dynamics, 1998 Link

Alan G. Mac Diarmid

Electronic Polymers and Nano-Science, 2004 Link

Ryoji Noyori

Asymmetric Hydrogenation As Ideal Green Chemistry, 2006 Link

Alan G. Mac Diarmid

Electronic Polymers and Nano-Science, 2004 Link

Akihisa Inoue

The Development and Application of Bulk Metallic Glasses, 2008 Link

Richard J Saykally

Water Music: The Latest Word on the Most Important Substance in the Universe, 2011 Link

Ei-ichi Negishi

Transition Metal Catalysis for a Sustainable and Prosperous World, 2013 Link

Prof. W. E. Moerner

What can you learn from watching single molecules? From superresolution imaging to nanoscale probes of 3D dynamics in cells, 2016 Link


The C. V. Raman Memorial Lecture has been instituted by the Indian Institute of Science Alumni Association in the name of late Sir C. V. Raman.

The lecture is to be delivered by an alumnus to be nominated by the Alumni Association. The invitation to the distinguished lecturer will be extended by the Director on behalf of the Institute.

The C. V. Raman Memorial Lectures will be delivered every alternate year on the Founder’s Day to alternate with the Golden Jubliee Memorial Lecture arranged by the Indian Institute of Science Past Student’s Association, Bombay.

List of Speakers:

S. Ramaseshan

Sir C. V. Raman, 1978 Link


Research and Development in the Chemical Industry, 1980

C. N. R. Rao

Man, Minerals and Microscopes, 1983 Link

R. Narasimha

Order and Chaos in Fluid Flows, 1986 Link

S. Chandrasekhar

Optical Phenomena in Liquid Crystals, 1988 Link

Govind Swarup

Radio Astronomy & the Structure of the Universe, 1990 Link

M. S. Valiathan

Cardiac Surgery – An Offspring of Experiment, 1992 Link

V. J. Modi

Satellites, Space Shuttles and Space Stations: Evolution and Challenges, 1995

Ramanath Cowsik

My Meanderings in Search of Neutrino Mass, 1996 Link

Narendra Kumar

Quantum Zono Effect: Slowing Down of Reactions By Fast Perturbations, 1999

D. Balasubramanian

Molecular and Cellular Approaches to Understand and Treat Some Diseases of the Eye, 2002 Link

Michael E Fisher

Molecular Motors- Observation & Theory, 2007 Link

Michael Pepper

Electrons in Semiconductor Nanostructures, 2010 Link

Rolf Heuer

The Search of a Deeper Understanding of our Universe at the Large Hadron Collider: The World’s Largest Particle Accelerator, 2013 Link

Brian Schmidt

The Accelerating Universe, 2017 Link

Daan Frenkel

The Disorder created by Entropy is in the Mind, 2018 Link

Prof. Duncan Haldane

Topological Quantum Matter, Entanglement, and a “Second Quantum Revolution”, 2019 Link

David Nelson

Active Antagonism: Reproducing Microorganisms and Fluid Flows, 2023 Link


Prof. S. Ramaseshan was associated with the Institute in many ways starting in the institute and later as the Director of the Institute during 1981-1984. After his death in 2003, the institute started a lecture in his name. There is no endowment for the same. No formal approval by the senate or council could be traced. The first lecture was given by Prof. C. N. R. Rao in 2005 and the second and last one by Dr.Srikumar Banerjee in 2011 and Prof.Chennupati Jagadish in 2016 respectively .

List of Speakers:

C. N. R. Rao

The Chemical Design of Materials – A Journey Through Half a Century, 2005 Link

Srikumar Banerjee

How the Design of an Advanced Nuclear Reactor Evolves, 2011 Link

Chennupati Jagadish

Semiconductor Nanowires for Optoelectronics and Energy Applications, 2016 Link

Prof. Jean Francois Joanny

Soft Condensed matter Physics : Physics for Biology, 2019 Link


At the suggestion of Mr. J. R. D. Tata, President of the Court, the Trustees of the Sir Dorabji Tata Trust in early 1962 decided to Institute, in conjunction with the General Assembly, a lectureship to be known as “The J. N. Tata Lectureship”. The General Assembly is held every alternate year and therefore the J.N.Tata Lectures will be delivered every alternate year. The invitation to the distinguished speaker to deliver the lecture is extended by the President of the Court in consultation with the Council and the Director.

Subject of the Lecture : This will depend upon the person invited and his field of special interest. It need not necessarily be connected with science and technology.

List of Speakers:

H. J. Bhabha

Atomic Energy in the Indian Economy, 1962 Link

S. Bhagavantam

The Widening Spiral of Science and Technology, 1964 Link

Vikram A Sarabhai

Science and World Affairs with special reference to developing countries, 1966 Link

P. B. Gajendragadkar

The Imperatives of an Indian Federation, 1968 Link

M. G. K. Menon

The Social Conscience of Science, 1970 Link

Malcom Adiseshaiah

Growth: Its Imperatives and Limits, 1972 Link

H. N. Sethna

Energy: Systems, Development & Policy, 1974 Link

Raja Ramanna

The Safety of Nuclear Installations, 1976 Link

D. S. Kothari

Science & Self-Knowledge, 1979 Link

M. S. Swaminathan

Indian Agriculture at the Crossroads, 1981 Link

L. K. Jha

Technology and Development, 1985 Link

Nani A. Palkhiwala

The Ideal of Human Unity and the North-South Dialogue, 1987 Link

Abid Hussain

The Eighth Plan: Some Strategic Perspectives, 1989 Link

E. S. Venkataramaiah

Higher Learning in India: Legal and Social Aspects, 1991 Link

Vasant Sathe

Economic Reforms and Structural Change in Indian Polity, 1994 Link

A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

Towards a World Knowledge Platform, 2006 Link

Gopalkrishna Gandhi

The Peoplehood of India, 2010 Link

Tejinder Singh Virdee

The Long Road to the Higgs boson and Beyond, 2016 Link

D D Sarma,

new generation of miraculous photovoltaic materials: Organic-inorganic hybrid perovskites, 2017 – 2020 Link