IISc Distinguished Alumnus/alumna Award

Given by the IISc Alumni Association upto 2017

Prof G. N. Ramachandran

(Former Faculty Member, IISc), 1977 Link

Dr. Sukh Dev

(Former INSA SN BOSE RES. PROF., IIT, Delhi & Director, MALTI-CHEM Research Centre, Vadodara), 1978 Link

Sri C R Subramanian

(Former Chairman & Managing Director, BEL), 1979

Late Prof. Harish Chandra

(USA), 1980

Sri T. R. Satish Chandran

( Formerly Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister/ Governor of GOA, 1981

Prof. T.R. Anantharaman

(Former Director, Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University), 1982

Prof C N R Rao

(Former Director, IISc, / President, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research), 1983 Link

Prof Satish Dhawan

(Former Director, IISc / Chairman, Space Commission), 1984 Link

Dr V. Jagannathan

(Former Head, Biotechnology, Tata Energy Res. Institute, Delhi), 1985

Prof. S.C. Bhattacharya

IIT, Bombay, 1985

Prof. N.S. Govinda Rao

Bangalore, 1985

Prof. Karamchatti

Stanford University, USA, 1985

Prof. R.S. Krishnan

Bangalore, 1985

Dr. P.S. Maruvada

Canada, 1985

Shri. S.G. Ramachandra

Chartered Engineer, Bangalore, 1985

Dr. A. Ramachandran

Bangalore, 1985

Dr. D.R. Sanadi

USA, 1985

Prof. K.P. Sinha

Bangalore, 1985

Prof. K. Sreenivasan

Bangalore, 1985

Prof. S. Srikantiah

Bangalore, 1985

Prof. S. Ramaseshan

1985, Raman Research Institute, Bangalore

Prof. C.V. Sundaram

NIAS, Bangalore, 1985

Dr. J.R.D. Tata

NIMR, London, 1985 Link

Prof. A.R. Vasudeva Murthy

Bangalore, 1985

Dr. S. R. Vallur

i, (Former Director, NAL), 1986

Prof. B.V. Sreekantan

(Former Director, TIFR, Bombay), 1987

Prof. R. Narasimha

(Former Director, NAL & Present Director,NIAS), 1988 Link

Prof. P. Somasundaran

(Former Chairman, Henru Krumb School of Mines, Columbia University), 1989

Dr. P. Ramarao

(Former Secretary, Dept. of Sc. & Tech., Govt. of India), 1990

Prof. R. Chidambaram

(Former Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission) , 1991

Prof. V. J. Modi

(Professor, University of British Columbia), 1992

Dr. N. Seshagiri

(Former Director General, National Informatics Centre, New Delhi), 1993

Dr. M. Ramamoorthy

(Former Director General of CPRI and Present Director of ERDA, Vadodara), 1994

Prof. R. Kumar

(Dept. of Chem Engg., IISc), 1995

Prof. M. A. Viswamitra

(Dept. of Physics, IISc), 1996

Dr. R. R. Tummala

(Director, Packaging Res Centre, Georgia), 1997

Dr. V. K. Aatre

(Scientific Adviser to Defence Minister & Secretary, Dept. of Defence Research & Development, Ministry of Defence, South Block, New Delhi), 1998 Link

Prof. G. Padmanaban

(Former Director, I.I.Sc.), 1999 Link

Dr. Ramadas P. Shenoy

(Former Director of LRDE & ‘Distinguished Scientist’ of DRDO), 2000

Prof. P. Ramachandra Rao

(Vice-Chancellor, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi), 2001

Prof. S. S. Iyengar

(Chairman and Professor, Computer Science Dept., Louisiana State University, USA), 2001

Prof. Satya N. Atluri

(Director, Center for Aerospace Research & Education, University of California, IRVINE, CA 92612, USA.), 2002

Prof. A.  Sridharan

(Formerly Deputy Director & Advisor , IISc), 2002

Prof. K. R.  Sreenivasan

(International Center for Theoretical Physics), 2003

Prof. Brij  M. Moudgil

(Director of the Engineering Research Center for Particle Science and Technology, University of Florida, USA), 2003

Prof. H. S. Mukunda

(Honorary Advisor, ABETS, Combustion, Gasification & Propulsion Laboratory of  Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science), 2004

Prof. B.L. Deekshatulu

(Visiting Professor, Department of Computer & Information Science, University of Hyderabad.), 2004 Link

Prof. M. Vijayan

(Hon. Professor, Molecular Biophysics Unit, Indian Institute of Science), 2005

Dr. Ashok K. Sinha

(Senior Vice President & General Manager, Applied Material Inc., USA ), 2005

Prof. S. Ranganathan

(Hon. Professor, Materials Engg., Dept., IISc.and Visiting Professor at NIAS), 2006

Dr. Prathima Agrawal

(Samuel Ginn Distinguished Professor and Director, Wireless Engg. Research & Education Centre, Auburn Site Director, NSF WICAT ECE Department, Auburn University, USA), 2006

Dr. Baldev Raj

(Hon. Member, International Committee on NDT,  Distinguished Scientist & Director, IGCAR, Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu), 2007

Dr. Bishnu S. Atal

(Affiliate Professor, University of Washington, USA), 2007

Prof. E.S. Raja Gopal

Professor (Rtd.), Department of Physics, IISc., Bangalore, 2008

Prof. S.K. Brahmachari

Director General, CSIR, New Delhi, 2008

Dr. Mahtab S. Bamji

INSA Honorary Scientist, Dangoria Charitable Trust, Hyderabad, 2008

Prof. S. S. Krishnamurthy

Professor(Rtd.), Dept.  of Inorganic & Physical Chemistry, IISc, Bangalore, 2008

Dr. B. Swaminatha Reddy

President and CEO, SP Systems, Inc., Greenbelt, MD, 2008

Prof. N. Appaji Rao

Professor (Rtd.), Dept of Biochemistry, IISc, Bangalore, 2008

Prof. G. Baskaran

Professor, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, 2008

Prof. K. Venkatesan

Professor(Rtd.), Dept. of Organic Chemistry, IISc, Bangalore, 2008

Prof. V. Rajaraman

Professor (Rtd.), Dept of CSA/SERC, IISc, Bangalore, 2008

Prof. M.A.L. Thathachar

Professor (Rtd.), Dept. of Electrical. Engg, IISc, Bangalore, 2008

Dr. Nikil Jayant

Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar, School of ECE, Georgia Institute of Technology,  and Executive Director of the Georgia Centers for Advanced Telecommunications Technology, 2008

Prof. I. Chopra

Alfred Gressow Prof. of Rotorcraft Engineering, Director, Alfred Gessow Rotorcraft Center, Dept. of Aerospace Engg., Univ. of Maryland, College Park, MD, 2008

Dr. Kota Harinarayana

Raja Ramanna Professor, NAL, Bangalore, 2008

Dr. Sanak Mishra

Chief Executive Officer, India Greenfield Projects, New Delhi, 2008

Prof. Y.V.R.K. Prasad

Technical Consultant, Processing maps.com, USA, and Visiting Professor, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2008

Mr. Lakshmi Narayanan

Director/Vice Chairman, Cognizant Technology Solutions Corporation, USA and also Chairman of NASSCOM, 2008

Prof. M. V. Srinivasan

Professor of Visual Neuroscience, Queensland Brain Institute and School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, University of Queensland, Australia, 2009

Prof. N. Viswanadham

Executive Director of the Centre for Global Logistics and Manufacturing Strategies (GLAMS) at the Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, 2009

Prof. K. P. Gopinathan

Honourary Professor and INSA Senior Scientist, Microbiology and Cell Biology Department, IISc, 2009

Dr. T. S. Prahlad

Distinguished Scientist, National Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore, 2009

Shri. M. D. Mallya

Chairman & Managing Director, Bank of Baroda, 2009

Prof. J. Gopalakrishnan

Honorary Professor & INSA Senior Scientist. Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 2010

Dr. R. L. Kashyap

Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering Purdue University, USA, 2010

Mr. P. S. Raghavan

Ambassador of India to Ireland, 2010

Dr. Umeshwar Dayal

H P Labs, USA, 2010

Dr.Vijay Kumar Saraswat

Scientific Advisor to Rakshamantri, DRDO, New Delhi, 2010 Link

Prof. V. Krishnan

Honorary Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore, 2011

Dr. Ravi Bhushan Grover

Director, Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai and Principal Advisor, Department of Atomic Energy, Mumbai, 2011

Lt. Gen.(Dr.) V. J. Sundaram (Retd.)

Advisor (Micro and Nano Systems)j, National Design and Research forum and Former Director, DRDL and RCL, Hyderabad, 2011

Dr. Subhash Mahajan

Distinguished Professor and Special Advisor to the Chancellor, University of California, Davis, 2012

Prof. Ramesh Ramamoorthy

Plato Malozemoff Professor of Materials Science and Physics, University of California, Berkeley, 2012

Dr. H. R. Nagendra

Vice Chancellor, Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana (S-VYASA), Yoga University, 2012 Link

Prof. B. Yegnanarayana

Institute Professor and Microsoft Chair, IIT, Gachibowli, Hyderabad, 2013

Mr. K. Naresh Babu

Managing Director, HAL, Bangalore Complex+B26, 2013

Mr. Srinivasan Rajam

Co-Founder, Chairman & CEO, Ittiam Systems, Bangalore, 2013

Prof. Chanchal Uberoi

Retired Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, IISc, 2013

Prof. S. Seetharaman

Visiting Professor, TU-Bergakademie, Freiberg, Germany, 2013

Dr. K. S. Rajasekhara

University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX, USA, Distinguished Professor of Engineering and Endowed Chair in Erik Jonsson, School of Engineering & Computer Science, Director of Advanced Energy Systems, 2013

Dr. Rudrapatna Kallikote Shyamasundar

Senior Professor and JC Bose National Fellow, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, 2014

Prof. M. R. S. Rao

Honorary Professor and SERB Distinguished Fellow, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore, 2014

Prof. M. R. Madhav

Professor Emeritus, JNT University, Hyderabad, 2014

Mr. A. Dinesh Kumar

Managing Director, CT Control Technology(India) Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, 2014

Prof. K. R. Padiyar

Honorary Professor/Emeritus (Retd.), Electrical Engineering, IISc, 2014

Dr. Raj Jain

Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, Washington University in St.Louis, Missouri, 2014 Link

Shri. A. S. Kiran Kumar

Chairman, Space Commission, GOI, Secretary to the GOI, Dept. of Space, Chairman, ISRO, 2015

Prof. Sunil Kumar

Dean and George Pratt Shultz Professor of Operations, Management, Booth School of Business, University of Chicago, 2015

Shri. K. S. R. Charan Reddy

Inspector General of Police, Special Investigation Team, Karnataka Lokayukta, Bengaluru, 2015

Prof. Vedu Mitter

Principal Consultant / Chief Executive, Changeman, Bengaluru, (Excellence Counsellors and Six Sigma facilitators), 2015

Dr. Subhash Chandra Singhal

Battelle Fellow Emeritus, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington, USA, 2015

Prof. N. Balakrishnan

Honorary Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Supercomputer Education and Research Centre, IISc, 2016 Link

Prof. Ajay K. Sood

Honorary Professor, Department of Physics, IISc, 2016 Link

Prof. Ramalingam Chellappa

Chair, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA, 2016 Link

S Ramadorai

Former Vice Chairman, Tata Consultancy Services, 2017 Link

Sudha Murty

Chairperson, Infosys Foundation, 2017 Link

From 2018 onwards, the awards are being given by the Institute (IISc) directly

Narendra Ahuja

Donald Biggar Willett Professor Emeritus in Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, 2018 Link

Dipankar Banerjee

Former chief controller of R&D at the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), 2018 Link

P S Goel

Former director of Indian Space Research Organization, 2018 Link

K Sivan

Chairperson of the Indian Space Research Organization, 2018 Link

Prof. Raghavendra Gadagkar

DST year of Science Chair Professor, Centre for Ecological Science, IISc, 2019 Link

Ms. Ritu Karidhal

Scientist, Mission Director, Chandrayaan-2, ISRO, 2019 Link

Dr. Prahlada Ramarao

Former Vice Chancellor, Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, 2019 Link

Prof. Viktor K. Prasanna

Charles Lee Powell Chair in Engineering, University of Southern California, 2019 Link

Dr K Rajalakshmi Menon

CABS, DRDO, 2020 Link

Prof BS Murty

Director, IIT Hyderabad, 2020 Link

Prof Sethuraman Panchanathan

Director of the National Science Foundation (NSF), USA, 2020 Link

Dr Keshab Panda

CEO & MD of L&T Technology Services Limited, 2020 Link

Dr Anuradha M Annaswamy

Research Scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, 2021 Link

Prof T Pradeep

Institute Professor at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Madras, 2021 Link

Prof Sajal K Das

Computer Science and Daniel St Clair Endowed Chair at the Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA, 2021 Link

Prof CS Raghavendra

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and Vice Dean for Global Academic Initiatives for the Viterbi School of Engineering, University of Southern California, USA, 2021 Link

Dr Ritu Shrivastava

former Vice President, Technology Development at SanDisk Corporation, USA, 2021 Link

Prof Bharat Kumar Bhargava

Professor of Computer Science at Purdue University, USA, 2022

Col (Retd) HS Shankar

Chairman and Managing Director of Alpha Design Technologies Private Limited, Bengaluru, 2022

Dr Krishna Mohan Vadrevu

Executive Director at Bharat Biotech International Limited, 2022

Dr Krishnan Nandabalan

President and CEO of InveniAI LLC, and President and Co-founder of BioXcel Corporation, 2022

Prof M Narasimha Murty

is currently an Honorary Professor at IISc, 2022