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Information at a Glance

  1. Indian Institute of Science (IISc) also referred to as ‘the Institute’ at certain places announce Admissions to the following programmes.

Candidates must go through the eligibility criteria available for each of the programmes on IISc website before applying. Candidates can submit application through the Online Admissions Portal by selecting one or more preferences of departments/disciplines under each programme, based on their eligibility and choice.

  1. If applying for multiple degree programmes, candidates should submit a separate application for each. However, only one application should be submitted for each degree programme. If multiple applications are received for the same programme, they will be rejected.
  2. Application forms which are incomplete are liable to be rejected. Concealing or misrepresenting information of any sort will lead to automatic cancellation of admission even after selection/admission.
  3. Some programmes and disciplines admit students directly based on their national entrance tests like GATE and JAM, while others shortlist candidates based on the national entrance test and conduct a separate interview to finally decide the students to admit. Carefully read the instructions under each degree programme and discipline to understand the process. Note that the receipt of an interview call letter does notconfer any right upon the applicant for admission to the Institute.
  4. Any claim or dispute with respect to the Admission cycle must be notified in writing on or before the end of September of the respective academic year. It is hereby informed that the Courts and Tribunals in Bangalore, and Bangalore alone, shall have the exclusive jurisdiction to entertain and settle all such disputes or claims.
  5. The details in this admissions website are applicable to applicants who are citizens of India. International students and OCI candidates should refer to the admissions page of IISc’s Office of International Relations (OIR).
  • As per the decision dated February 03, 2023 passed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in Writ Petition (Civil) 891 / 2021, the OCI/PIO candidates who have secured OCI/PIO card before 04.03.2021 shall be considered as Indian nationals.
    Therefore, the foreign national candidates will be those who are NOT citizens of India (by birth or naturalized) (but not Overseas Citizens of India / Persons of Indian Origin (OCI/PIO) candidates who have secured OCI/PIO card on or after 04.03.2021) shall be considered as FOREIGN NATIONALS.
    The OCI/PIO candidates who have secured OCI/PIO card before 04.03.2021 shall be considered for the seats in the OPEN category
  1. Pre-interview familiarization program

All the ST candidates who are shortlisted for interview for the post-graduate/research programmes will be invited to attend a pre-interview familiarization program at the Institute one week before the interviews. During this period, they are encouraged to have discussions with the faculty and students on the research activities of the departments, course details etc., which will enable them to get acquainted with the interview process. Accommodation and boarding will be provided in the Hostels on the campus during the period free of cost.

Pre-interview familiarisation for SC applicants is cancelled for this year’s admission due to non-availability of accommodation for applicants at IISc.

  1. Persons with Disability (PwD)

5% of seats are reserved for applicants with disability, as specified by the Government of India. Candidates who have at least 40% permanent physical impairment in relation to a body part/ system/ extremity/ extremities/ whole body, etc., would be given the benefit.

The candidates in this category are required to be certified by a Medical Board at IISc. The Medical Board will decide the following:

  • Whether the candidate qualifies for the benefits under this category, and
  • If the disability is likely to interfere with his/her studies.

The Medical Board duly constituted for this purpose shall meet at the time of interview/admission for the research program and at the time of admission for the course program. Candidates, who are not certified by the Medical Board as Physically Handicapped, will not be considered for admission under this category.

The decision of the Medical Board shall be final.

  1. For more details on IISc and its facilities, see the Student Corner.