Digital Campus and Information Technology Services (DIGITS)

DIGITS  (Digital Campus and IT Services) Office is a unit set up by the Institute  to conceive, plan, and create a best-in-class information technology (IT) and networking system, and implement agile IT and networking services for operational excellence in the Institute. The DIGITS office will consolidate and coordinate all digital campus activities and services for better execution of the following initiatives in IISc:

  • OPERA (Operational Excellence for Research Advancement)
  • CCIT (Committee on Computerisation and Information Technology)
  • TINA (Telecom, Internet, and Network Access)
  • VISE (Video Security Equipment for IISc)
  • MMCR (Multimedia Class Rooms Initiative)
  • Video archives and streaming
  • IISc webpage development and maintenance
  • Campus infrastructure data acquisition and analytics

For more details, please click here
