“Mid Year admission 2021: To view Cut off report for interview in Research Programmes click here (Updated on 15/11/2021)
Any applicant who has applied for Research programmes in Mid Year admission at IISc, and has secured a cut off higher than the one indicated, and he/she has not received a call letter for interview, the applicant may please send a mail to the Assistant Registrar, Academic Section at and also to the chair of the concerned departments in which they have applied on or before 17 November 2021 [1700hrs]” - Bachelor of Science(Research) Programme Admission 2021: The Round 4 online counselling session, for admission to the Four Years Bachelor of Science(Research) is scheduled at 9.30 AM on November 16, 2021, on the Microsoft Teams platform. To view the Rank Cut-Off for Round 4 and other important instructions please click here. (Updated on 12/11/2021)
- Applicants who have applied for admission to Bachelor of Science(Research) to ensure that they have updated their NEET(UG)- 2021 Roll no/Application number and All India Rank for counselling by logging onto the admission portal on or before 06 November 2021[ 1700 hrs].
Note: Applicant to ensure that they update only All India Rank for counselling in the rank field provided at update your National entrance test Result tab on admission portal. Please do not enter Category rank (i.e. EWS, OBC-NCL, SC, ST, PWD, KM etc.) in the rank field. (Updated on 02/11/2021) - Bachelor of Science(Research) Programme Admission 2021: The Round 3 online counselling session, for admission to the Four Years Bachelor of Science(Research is scheduled at 9.30 AM on November 03, 2021, on the Microsoft Teams platform.To view the Rank Cut-Off for Round 3 and other important instructions please click here. (Updated on 29/10/2021)
- Bachelor of Science(Research) Programme Admission 2021: To view the important announcements for prospective students admitted in Four-Year Bachelor of Science(Research) Programme click here (Updated on 29/10/2021)
- Applicants who have applied for admission to Bachelor of Science(Research) to ensure that they have updated their JEE(advanced) Roll no/Application number(as applicable) and All India Rank by logging onto the admission portal on or before 20 October 2021[ 1700 hrs].
Note: Applicant to ensure that they update All India Rank in the rank field provided at update your National entrance test Result tab on admission portal. Please do not enter Category rank (i.e. EWS, OBC-NCL, SC, ST, PWD, KM etc.) in the rank field (Updated on 15/10/2021) - Bachelor of Science(Research) Programme Admission 2021:
The online counselling session for admission to the Four Years Bachelor of Science(Research) through the JEE(Main) exam, for the selected candidates is scheduled at 9.30 AM on October 12, 2021, on the Microsoft Teams platform.
To view the Rank cutoff of JEE(Main) exam, and other important instructions please click here. (Updated on 29/09/2021) - Admission portal for Mid-Year admissions 2021 in Research Programmes(Including ERP) will open from 01 October 2021. To view the advertisement, please click here (Updated on 28/09/2021)
- IMPORTANT: Kindly note all announcements pertaining to admission to the Bachelor of Science (Research) programme at IISc will be hosted at Applicants are advised to visit regularly for admission related updates. (Updated on 31/08/2021)
- Bachelor of Science(Research) Programme Admission 2021:
The online counselling session for admission to the Four Years Bachelor of Science(Research) through the KVPY exams, for the selected candidates is scheduled at 9.30 AM on August 23, 2021, on the Microsoft Teams platform. To view the Rank cutoff of KVPY exams, and other important instructions please click here. (Updated on 13/08/2021) - Orientation Programme: The online Orientation Programme for Prospective students Joining Institute in August 2021 [excluding M.Tech(Online) programme]is scheduled at 9:30 AM on 27 July 2021. The prospective students will be shared online event link by 26 July 2021 on their registered email id and at the applicant’s interface on the Admission Portal. (Updated on 23/07/2021)
- Updation of KVPY Exam Rank: Due to the Publishing of the revised Rank list by KVPY for the KVPY SX and KVPY SB exam, Applicants who have applied to the IISc Four Year Bachelor of Science(Research) Programme are allowed to update their revised KVPY exams rank on the admission portal on or before 15 July 2021( by 5 PM). Applicant, while updating Rank, should ensure the following points. (Updated on 12/07/2021)
- Only All India KVPY Rank is entered and not marks secured in the exam.
- Applicants belonging to the SC/ST/PWD category ensure that they enter their empowerment ranks by selecting Mode of Entry as KVPY-SA-E, KVPY-SX-E( as applicable).
- Offer letter: Selected candidates in the M.Tech, Electronic Product Design Programme can download the Offer letter by logging onto the admission portal under available downloads. Please note no separate communication will be done with the applicants who are not selected. (Updated on 04/07/2021)
- Interview: To view the online Interview date for ERP Programme at IISc, click here. (Updated on 29/06/2021)
- Kindly note all announcement pertaining to admission to the Bachelor of Science (Research) programme at IISc will be hosted at Applicants are advised to visit regularly for admission related updates (Updated on 22/06/2021)
- To view important announcement pertaining to last date for uploading Course Completion Certificate/Provisional Degree Certificate click here (Updated on 20/06/2021)
- Interview: To view the online Interview date for admission of Sponsored Category applicants in the M.Tech programme at IISc, click here. (Updated on 17/06/2021)
- Offer letter: Selected candidates in Regular Research Programme [ PhD and M.Tech(Research)] and Integrated PhD programme can download the Offer letter by logging onto the admission portal under available downloads. Please note no separate communication will be done with the applicants who are not selected (Updated on 11/06/2021)
- The last date for online submission of the Application form for Bachelor of Science (Research) Programme is extended till 15 June 2021(website closes at 23:59 hours of 15.6.2021) (Updated on 03/06/2021)
- Applications are invited from eligible applicants for admissions to the newly launched M.Tech programme in Electronic Product Design(EPD). Applicant can apply to the programme online by registering on the admission portal URL from 02 June 2021. To view the admission advertisement click here (Updated on 02/06/2021)
Note: The last date to apply for the Programme is 23 June 2021 - Interview for Sponsored M.Tech Programme[For Defence, DRDO,DRIP and ACIWRM applicants], and External Registration Programme[ERP] is postponed indefinitely. However, Interview of ISRO applicants for Sponsored Programme will be held per schedule on 10 May 2021 (Updated on 06/05/2021)
- To view Cut off report for online interview for Integrated PhD Programmes click here (Updated on 04/05/2021)
(1)Any applicant who has applied to Integrated PhD programmes at IISc, and has secured a cut off higher than the one indicated, and he/she has not received a call letter for interview, the applicant may please send a mail to the Assistant Registrar, Academic Section at on or before 12 May 2021 [1700hrs].
(2) Shortlisted applicants can download interview letter by logging into admission portal, under available downloads. - Last date for filling online application form for M.Tech-Sponsored Programme[only for Défense and DRDO applicants] is extended till 16 May 2021. Applicants to ensure that printed version of Sponsored applications reached to Assistant Registrar, Academics, by 21 May 2021[1700 hrs]. (Updated on 03/05/2021)
- Online Written exam for shortlisted candidates in Computational and Data sciences(CDS) department is scheduled on 07 May 2021 [10 am to 11:30 am]. For more details shortlisted applicants may contact to Chairman, CDS department. (Updated on 03/05/2021)
- To view Cut off report for online written exam/interview for Research Programmes click here (Updated on 28/04/2021)
Any applicant who has applied for Research programmes at IISc, and has secured a cut off higher than the one indicated, and he/she has not received a call letter for interview, the applicant may please send a mail to the Assistant Registrar, Academic Section at and also to the chair of the concerned departments in which they have applied on or before 01 May 2021 [1700hrs]. - We regret the indefinite postponement of JEST and NBHM examinations. Applicants who have applied for admission to the programs of the Institute through these Modes of Entry (JEST and NBHM) will be notified about their eligibility to update their applications and appear for the interviews once the results of these examinations are announced.
(Updated on 28/04/2021) - The last date for online submission of Application form for Bachelor of Science (Research) Programme is extended till 30 May 2021 (website closes at 23:59 hours of 30.5.2021) (Updated on 28/04/2021)
- To view Cut off report for online written exam/interview for Course Programmes[M.Tech/MDes/Mgmt] click here (Updated on 14/04/2021)
Note: In case an applicant has scored a cutoff higher than the one indicated, and he/she has not received a call letter for online written test/ interview, the applicant may please send a mail to the Assistant Registrar, Academic Section at and also to the chair of the concerned department to which they had applied on or before 15 April 2021 [1700hrs] - Online written test/Interview letter for Regular Course Programme[M.Tech/MDes/Mgmt] in which written test/interview or both are involved for the selection process can be downloaded by shortlisted candidates by logging onto admission portal (Updated on 11/04/2021)
- Last date to apply for External Registration Progamme(ERP)- Ph D/M.Tech(Research) is extended till 20 April 2021 with modified eligibility criteria. To view modified eligibilty criteria click here. (Updated on 03/04/2021)
- To view M.Tech/M Des Programmes online written exam schedule click here
The applicants applying for the Regular M.Tech/MDES(through GATE) Programme must register themselves on COAP 2021 portal, and update their COAP registration number at the admission portal by clicking on update your National Ent test result tab on or before 31 Mar 2021.
Note: The last date for updating the National Entrance exam result at the admission portal for Research/M.Tech/MDes/M Mgmt programme is 31 March 2021. (Updated on 18/03/2021)
- Admissions 2021: Admission portal for applying to the various programme at IISc is opened on 22 February 2021 (Updated on 22/02/2021)
- To view admission advertisement for PG/Research Programmes click here
- To view admission advertisement for four-year Bachelor of Science (Research) Programme click here
- Interview letter for admission to regular Research Programme (Excluding ERP) at IISc, can be downloaded by the shortlisted applicants by logging on admission portal (updated on 18 Dec 2020)
- Mid Year admission: ERP applicants are required to send the completed online application form with relevant enclosures at following address on or before 09 Dec 2020
Assistant Registrar (Academic),
Admissions Unit
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore – 560 012 - Admission portal for Mid-Year admissions in Research Programmes(Including ERP) will open from 09 November 2020. To view the advertisement, please click here
- An Online Counselling for Spot admission to four-year Bachelor of Science (Research) will be held at 10. 00 hrs on November 12, 2020 based on the KVPY(SA), KVPY(SX), JEE (Main), JEE(Advanced) and NEET(UG) exams. For more details regarding Cutoff Rank, eligibility for attending counselling and procedure to give the willingness to attend counselling click here.
- The last date of withdrawal/cancellation of admission to a four-year Bachelor of Science (Research) Programme is extended till 07 Nov 2020(23:59 hrs).
- The last date of withdrawal/cancellation of admission to a four-year Bachelor of Science (Research) Programme is extended till 02 Nov 2020(23:59 hrs)
- The last date of withdrawal/cancellation of admission to a four-year Bachelor of Science (Research) Programme is extended till 29 Oct 2020(23:59 hrs)
- An Online Counselling session for admission to a four-year Bachelor of Science (Research) Programme at IISc will be held on Oct 28, 2020, at 09 am based on the NEET-UG 2020 Exam Ranks. For more details regarding Cutoff Rank, eligibility for attending counselling and procedure to give the willingness to attend counselling click here.
- Last date for updating NEET-UG exam result, for applicants who have already applied to four-year Bachelor of Science (Research) programme is extended till 22 Oct 2020 (1300 hrs)
- Applicants who have applied to four-year Bachelor of Science (Research) programme at IISc, can update their NEET-UG exam result, by logging onto admission portal from 16 Oct 2020 to 19 Oct 2020(23:59). Applicant may Please note that while updating their ranks they have to enter their All India rank, and not their respective category rank(i.e GN , OBC,EWS,SC,ST etc )
- The last date of withdrawal/cancellation of admission to a four-year Bachelor of Science (Research) Programme is extended till 22 Oct 2020(23:59 hrs)
- An Online Counselling session for admission to a four-year Bachelor of Science (Research) Programme at IISc will be held on Oct 15, 2020, at 09 am based on the JEE (Main) and JEE(Advanced) results. For more details regarding Cutoff Rank, eligibility for attending counselling and procedure to give the willingness to attend counselling click here
- Applicants who have applied to four-year Bachelor of Science (Research) programme at IISc, can update their JEE-Advance exam result, by logging onto admission portal from 05 Oct 2020 to 10 Oct 2020(23:59). Applicant may Please note that while updating their ranks they have to enter their All India rank, and not their respective category rank(i.e GN , OBC,EWS,SC,ST)
- The last date of withdrawal/cancellation of admission to four-year Bachelor of Science (Research) Programme is extended till 06 Oct 2020(23:59 hrs).
- Last date for updating JEE-Main exam result , for applicants who have already applied to four-year Bachelor of Science (Research) programme is extended till 05 Oct 2020 (1300 hrs)
- Last date for updating JEE-Main exam result , for applicants who have already applied to four-year Bachelor of Science (Research) programme is extended till 26 Sep 2020 (1700 hrs)
- Orientation programme for Prospective Students joining various programmes at IISc except Undergraduate Programme is scheduled online at 10 am on 25 Sep 2020. A Microsoft TEAMS live event link for the orientaton programme has already been sent to the student’s email id. The event link can also be accessed by logging onto the applicant interface on admission portal
- Applicants who have applied to four-year Bachelor of Science (Research) programme at IISc, can update their JEE-Mains exam result, by logging onto admission portal from 13 Sep 2020 to 21 Sep 2020(1700 hrs).
- Offer letter for admission to four-year Bachelor of Science (Research) programme, based on KVPY exam has been sent to the selected applicants on their email id. Selected candidates can also view the offer letter by logging on to admission portal. For more details, please click here.