Instructions for Online Admissions Portal
- The candidates for Post-graduate (PG) Course Programmes and Post-graduate (PG) Research Programs will need to fill the online application and fee payment through the Online Admissions Portal. This page provides instructions for filling the same.
- For Under-Graduate programmes please visit this website and follow the instructions given there.
- Candidates for M.Tech. (Online) for Sponsored Candidates from the industry should visit the IKEN website.
- OCI (Category 2) and International candidates should visit the Office of International Relations website.
Visit the online admissions portal at, and click on the PG course programme or PG research programme.
Students must first register on the Admissions Portal by clicking on “New user to register click here”.
Register by providing your name, date of birth and email address.
Make sure that your name and date of birth match your degree certificates. You cannot change these values later.
Make sure you have access to the email address. You cannot change the email address later.
All email communications regarding admissions will be sent to this email address.
Once you register will receive an email from with a link to confirm your email address. Once you click on that link, your registration will be active. You can now log into the portal to submit your application.
- Sometimes, this email may have been placed in your junk/spam email folder. Please check that folder in case you have not received the confirmation email.
- Please make sure that your email client does not flag emails from the and domains as junk/spam. You will receive several communications from this email domain during the course of the admissions application process.
You will need the following details and documents before starting the application. Please make sure to keep all of these ready before starting the application. You can complete the application across multiple sessions, before the application deadline. But you will need to fill in all required fields in one page before you can save a session. For specific details of these, see the instructions below.
- Passport photo image file
- Signature image file
- Category certificate as PDF file for applicants in the SC/ST/OBC-NCL/EWS categories
- Relevant certificates as PDF filefor applicants in PwDand KM categories
- Details of your 10th and 12th standard schooling,marks and key subjects.
- Details of all under-graduate degrees, post-graduate degrees, and diplomas that you have completed, including marks for each semester/term, cumulative marks, official rank if available, and key subjects you have taken.
- Details of all national entrance tests that you have taken, including roll number, rank, score, paper, etc., as relevant. These include: GATE, GPAT, NET JRF, Joint CSIR-UGC NET for JRF, UGC-NET for JRF, DBT JRF, ICMR JRF, JEST, NBHM and INSPIRE.
- NOTE:The results for some of the recent National Entrance Tests, such as GATE and JAM, may not be available at the time of submitting the IISc admissions application. You must enter the available details of these exams, such as your roll number, paper, etc., in the application, but you may leave the score/rank/results blank. You will have the option to update just your national entrance results in the application from the main “Application Status” page. You must make this update within 3 days of the results being declared.
- Details of research publications that you have co-authored, conferences and workshops you have attended, and any other awards andcertifications you have secured.
- List of departments/disciplines that you are interested in applying to for each degree programme. Please check the degree programme webpage for the available departments/disciplines in each programme, and whether you meet the eligibility for the same.
Application Fees
- The fees payable for each application form are as follows:
- General / OBC / EWS: Rs. 800
- SC / ST / PwD: Rs. 400
- ERP candidates (all categories): Rs. 2000
- Sponsored candidates from government and PSU: Rs. 800
- Online payment has to be made through net-banking, debit card or visa/master credit card.
- The fee payment has to be completed before the application is considered as submitted.
- Once you log into the portal, you will be in the “Application Status” page. This will display the list of your completed and incomplete applications, and allow you to start application to a new programme.
- From this page, you can also update the National Entrance Test details (e.g., GATE) results that are announced after the deadline for IISc admissions application, after you submit your application and within 3 days of announcement of the results.
- To start a new application, click on “Apply for another Programme” on the “My Application” panel on the left.
- From here, choose a new degree programme to apply to.
- NOTE: You may only submit a single application to each degree programme given in this page.
- This will open the “Personal Details” page for a new application and assign an application number for this application.
- See below on instructions to fill your personal details, and for application form details specific to each degree.
- All PG applications share the same Personal Details page. Please fill this in carefully and accurately.
- IMPORTANT: The details you enter in this page is common across all your applications. Making a change to personal details in one application form will change these details in all your other applications also, including ones you have already submitted. So take care to always provide genuine information in this page, even for incomplete applications.
- When you start filling a new application form for a degree program, the personal details information you have filled for any other degree application in this portal will be automatically filled in.
- The name, date of birth and email address fields cannot be changed. These are taken from your portal registration information.
- Fill in your gender, nationality and state of domicile.
- This online portal should be used only by applicants who are citizens of India, and Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) under Category 1. International students and OCI Category 2 students should use the admissions application page under IISc’s Office of International Relations
- Fill in your category and sub-category information.
- For applicants belonging to the SC/ST/OBC-NCL/EWS category, you should upload a PDF copy of the relevant certificate/ undertaking form at the end of this page. For OBC-NCL and EWS category applicants, you must produce latest certificate issued on or after 1st April 2023 by the competent authority.
- Persons with Disability (PwD) and Kashmiri-Migrants (KM) category applicants should upload a PDF copy of the relevant certificate(s) at the end of this page.
- Fill in the full mailing address for postal correspondence.
- You must provide your 10-digit mobile phone number. You may also provide a land-line number with full STD code.
- If you are currently employed, fill in details of the organisation you are employed with, your designation, your work mailing address and the duration of experience in this current organisation.
- In the upload section:
- Upload a recent passport size photograph of yourself. The file formats allowed are .jpg , .gif and .png files, and the file size should be below 500KB. The image size should be about 200 pixels in height and 150 pixels in width.
- Upload a photograph of your signature. The file formats allowed are .jpg , .gif and .png files, and the file size should be below 100KB. The image size should be about 50 pixels in height and 300 pixels in width.
- If you belong to the SC/ST/OBC-NCL/EWS category, you should upload a PDF copy of the latest available certificate issued by the competent authority.
- If you belong to the Persons with Disability (PwD)category, you should upload a PDF copy of the relevant certificate issued by the competent authority.
- If you belong to the Kashmiri-Migrants (KM) category, you should upload a PDF copy of the relevant certificate issued by the competent authority.
- Click on “Save and Proceed” to save the Personal Details form.
- If the page does not save and go to the next page, please check and ensure that all required fields (marked with a red asterisk *) have feen filled.
- Note that any changes you make and save here will update the personal details for all your submitted, completed and incomplete applications.
- If you navigate away from any application form page without clicking Save and Proceed,you will lose all information that you have updated on that page.
- This section gives specific instructions to fill the admissions application for the M.Tech./M.Des./M.Mgt. course programmes. You can start an application to these programmes by selecting the relevant course programme form after clicking on “Apply for another Programme” on the “My Application” panel of the “Application Status” page.
- You can use a single form for both M.Tech. and M.Des. course programmes. You can choose up to three disciplines/departments to apply for using a single form.
- You should fill a separate form if applying to the M.Mgt. course programme.
- You may not submit multiple applications to the same programme.
- Instructions for filling the Personal Details page is the same as above.
- Instructions to complete the Academic Achievements page and to Preview and Submit the application are the same as below.
- Please also read the Updating National Entrance Test Results section below.
Eligibility & Preferences
- Under Academic Qualification, please fill in the relevant degree programme you have already completed or are completing in 2022 which will serve as the “qualifying degree” for the departments/disciplines you are applying for.
- Please carefully see the M.Tech./M.Des. or M.Mgt. degree programme webpages for the specific prior degree qualifications you must have to be eligible to apply to the department/discipline at IISc. You must only apply to the departments/disciplines you are eligible for.
- The list of IISc department/discipline preferences that are displayed to you at the bottom of this page are based on whether you have the relevant qualifying degree.
- You are allowed to enter details of any degree programme that you have appeared for or are appearing for, provided you will complete all requirements for the award of the qualifying degree before 1 August 2022.
- Please provide details of GATE 2021/2022/2023 and CEED 2023 exams you have taken for Tech./M.Des. application, and GATE 2021/2022/2023, CAT 2022 and GMAT exams you have taken for M.Mgt. application.
- Please carefully note the national entrance test eligibility requirements for each of theTech./M.Des. or M.Mgt. degree programmes, and the specific departments/disciplines within them. You must only apply to the departments/disciplines you are eligible for.
- GATE Details
- Applicants to the M.Tech. course programme must have qualified in GATE in 2021, 2022 or 2023. Enter details for all GATE papers and years you qualified in.
- Enter your Registration Number after omitting the first two characters having paper code. E.g. if you took and qualified the GATE the Electrical Engineering paper in 2021 with a registration number of EE21S311305004, you should enter 21S311305004 as your registration number and select “Electrical Engineering” as the GATE paper below.
- Enter your GATE score out of 1000.
- If qualified in GATE 2021 or 2022, you must enter their scores.
- If you took GATE in 2023 and do not have the score available, you should leave the score blank. You will be able to update the score from the “Application Status” page even after submitting this application form under “Update Your National Entrance Test Result(s)” in the left panel. You must update the score within 3 days of the GATE results being declared for it to be considered.
- CEED Details for M.Des.
- Enter the roll number and CEED score for the 2023 exam. If you do not have the score available, you will be able to update the score from the “Application Status” page even after submitting this application form under “Update Your National Entrance Test Result(s)” in the left panel. You must update the score within 3 days of the CEED results being declared for the score to be considered.
- Under Department Preference, select the departments/disciplines would like to apply to. For M.Tech./M.Des., you can choose up to three departments/disciplines.
- The departments/disciplines that are shown in the drop down box are based on the qualifying degree and national entrance test detailed you entered. If the department/discipline you are interested in is not listed, make sure that the qualifying degree and exam details you entered meet the qualifying requirements of that department/discipline.
- The department/discipline preferences 1-3 you provide are rank ordered.
- Click on “Save and Proceed” to save the Eligibility & Preferences information.
- If the page does not save and go to the next page, please check and ensure that all required fields (marked with a red asterisk *) have feen filled.
- If you navigate away from any application form page without clicking Save and Proceed,you will lose all information that you have updated on that page.
Academic Qualifications
- Applicants must provide particulars of 10th standard, 12th standard, and Under-graduate (UG) qualifications, and Post-Graduate (PG) qualifications if applicable. For UG and PG, provide information that is available as on date.
- Fill the details starting from 10th standard, in sequence. Click ‘Save and Add Next’ button to save the current qualification and move to the next one.
- You can select the qualification from the drop-down box to change details related to it. The green checkbox on the right will inform you of the academic entries that you have filled in.
- For 10th and 12th standards:
- Provide the year of passing, school name, location, and the state or central board.
- Provide your over marks as percentage and the key subjects you took.
- If you have an official board rank, provide it.
- For your under-graduate degree and (if available, post-graduate degree and diploma):
- The UG degree and branch are copied over from the “Eligibility & Preferences” page. To change the UG degree, update the details under “Eligibility & Preferences” page.
- Provide your year of passing, college name and university. Please carefully choose the university from the drop-down box, and if it is definitely not present, select “others” and fill in its name, location and state.
- Choose whether your marks were provided as Grade Point Average (GPA) or percentage. If GPA, provide the maximum GPA value/scale, e.g., 10.0.
- Provide the semester-wise GPA or percentage. Those with marks awarded annually should provide their 1st years’ marks in the 2nd semester field, 2nd years’ marks in 4th semester field, and so on.
- Provide details until the last completed semester for which marks are available.
- Please enter your cumulative GPA or overall percentage for your degree programme, as applicable.
- If you have an official university rank, provide it.
- List the key subjects you took in your degree programme.
- Once you have completed all the qualifications, click ‘Save and Proceed’ button to save your entry and move to the next page.
To complete your submission, please see Details of Academic Achievements, Preview and Submit Application, and Updating National Entrance Test Results sections below.
- Details for filling this form are similar to M.Tech./M.Des. Application instructions above.
- Candidates will need to fill an extra page on “Details of Current Employment”. Please enter the relevant sponsoring organisation, address, your date of joining the organisation, and designation.
- This section gives specific instructions to fill the admissions application for the M.Sc. in Life Sciences course programme. You can start an application to this programme by selecting the relevant course programme form after clicking on “Apply for another Programme” on the “My Application” panel of the “Application Status” page.
- You may not submit multiple applications to the same programme.
- Instructions for filling the Personal Details page is the same as above.
- Instructions to complete the Academic Achievements page andto Preview and Submit the applicationare the same as below.
- Please also read theUpdating National Entrance Test Results section below.
Eligibility & Preferences of Stream
- Under Academic Qualification, please fill in the relevant degree programme you have already completed or are completing in 2023 which will serve as the “qualifying degree” for the departments/disciplines you are applying for.
- Please carefully see the M.Sc. Life Sciences degree programme webpage to confirm that you are eligible to apply to this programme.
- You are allowed to enter details of any degree programme that you have appeared for or are appearing for, provided you will complete all requirements for the award of the qualifying degree before 1st August 2023.
- Under Stream Preference, select the streams within Life Sciences you would like to apply to. You can choose up to three streams. You can also select “any stream” in case you have no further preference and,if so, subsequent selection options will be disabled.
- The stream preferences 1-3 you provide are rank ordered.
- Click on “Save and Proceed” to save the Eligibility & Preferences information.
- If the page does not save and go to the next page, please check and ensure that all required fields (marked with a red asterisk *) have feen filled.
- If you navigate away from any application form page without clicking Save and Proceed, you will lose all information that you have updated on that page.
Academic Qualifications
- Applicants must provide particulars of 10th standard, 12th standard, and Under-graduate (UG) qualifications, and Post-Graduate (PG) qualifications if applicable. For UG and PG, provide information that is available as on date.
- Fill the details starting from 10th standard, in sequence. Click ‘Save and Add Next’ button to save the current qualification and move to the next one.
- You can select the qualification from the drop-down box to change details related to it. The green checkbox on the right will inform you of the academic entries that you have filled in.
- For 10th and 12th standards:
- Provide the year of passing, school name, location, and the state or central board.
- Provide your over marks as percentage and the key subjects you took.
- If you have an official board rank, provide it.
- For your under-graduate degree and (if available, post-graduate degree and diploma):
- The UG degree and branch are copied over from the “Eligibility & Preferences” page. To change the UG degree, update the details under “Eligibility & Preferences” page.
- Provide your year of passing, college name and university. Please carefully choose the university from the drop-down box, and if it is definitely not present, select “others” and fill in its name, location and state.
- Choose whether your marks were provided as Grade Point Average (GPA) or percentage. If GPA, provide the maximum GPA value/scale, e.g., 10.0.
- Provide the semester-wise GPA or percentage. Those with marks awarded annually should provide their 1st years’ marks in the 2nd semester field, 2nd years’ marks in 4th semester field, and so on.
- Provide details until the last completed semester for which marks are available.
- Please enter your cumulative GPA or overall percentage for your degree programme, as applicable.
- If you have an official university rank, provide it.
- List the key subjects you took in your degree programme.
- Once you have completed all the qualifications, click ‘Save and Proceed’ button to save your entry and move to the next page.
National Entrance Test Details
- Please provide details of GATE 2021/2022/2023 and/or JAM 2023 exams you have taken.
- Please carefully note the national entrance test eligibility requirements for the M.Sc. Life Sciences degree programme. You must only apply if you are eligible.
- GATE Details
- Enter details for all GATE papers in years 2021, 2022 and/or 2023 you qualified in.
- Enter your Registration Number after omitting the first two characters having paper code. E.g., if you took and qualified the GATE the Biotechnology paper in 2021 with a registration number of BT21S311305004, you should enter 21S311305004 as your registration number and select “Biotechnology” as the GATE paper below.
- Enter your GATE score out of 1000.
- If qualified in GATE 2021 or 2022, you must enter their scores.
- If you took GATE in 2023 and do not have the score available, you will be able to update the score from the “Application Status” page even after submitting this application form under “Update Your National Entrance Test Result(s)” in the left panel. You must update the score within 3 days of the GATE results being declared for the score to be considered.
- JAM Details
- Enter the roll number, paper and JAM rank for the 2023 exam. If you do not have the rank available, you should leave the rank blank. You will be able to update it from the “Application Status” page even after submitting this application form under “Update Your National Entrance Test Result(s)” in the left panel. You must update the rank within 3 days of the results being declared for it to be considered.
To complete your submission, please see Details ofAcademic Achievements, Preview and Submit Application, and Updating National Entrance Test Results sections below.
- You may optionally provide details on other academic achievements. Each section has a 1500 character limit.
- Under Research Publications, please list any papers you are a co-author of. List the title, authors, journal/conference/workshop name, and year. Provide a URL link to the paper if available.
- Under Conferences and Workshops Attended, please list the names of technical events you may have attended, including title, host institution, location, whether you presented a paper, etc.
- Under Awards & Certifications, list any other notable honours, achievements, technical certifications, etc. that you have received.
- Click ‘Save and Proceed’ button to save your entry and move to the next page.
- This page will display all details that you entered in the application as a draft PDF file. Please carefully review this document for completeness and correctness. This is what will be visible to the those who review your application.
- If you notice any inaccuracies, please click on the relevant page in the top tabs to make the correction. Make sure to click Save and Proceed to ensure your changes are saved.
- Once you are satisfied with the application PDF, please read and agree to the Declaration. Please write down or save the Application Number.
- Click on “Pay and Submit” button. This will save the final application and take you to the payment gateway where the application fees are payable. Make the online payment.
- In case the payment fails, you must retry the payment from the main Application Status page. You will see a link next to your application number with an option to “Pay Application Fee”.
- IMPORTANT: The application has not been successfully submitted until the payment is complete.
- REMINDER: If you did not have the results for a national entrance test at the time of submitting this application and you left the score/rank/results blank, you must update the details through the online admissions portal within3 days of the results being declared for the relevant test for it to be considered.
- The results for some of the recent National Entrance Tests, such as GATE and JAM may not be available at the time of submitting the IISc admissions application. You must enter the available details of these exams, such as your roll number, paper, etc., in the application, but you may leave the score/rank/results blank.
- Once you submit your admissions application, you will have the option to update just your national entrance results from the main “Application Status” page. You must make this update within 3 days of the results being declared for it to be considered as part of your application evaluation.
- Click on “Update Your National Entrance Test Result(s)” on the left panel of the “Application Status” page, select the application form number you wish to update, and fill in the relevant details for the national entrance tests. You should update these details separately for each application you are submitting.