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  • IISc Colloquium By Prof. Jayant M Modak In Faculty Hall @ 4 Pm

IISc Colloquium by Prof. Jayant M Modak in Faculty Hall @ 4 pm

Location: Faculty Hall


Title of the talk: Modelling for IndustrialBiotechnology (Click here for the poster)

The application of biotechnology to industrial processes is based on the ability of living cells to carry out complex transformations that convert sugars into chemicals. These processes range from the production of bulk chemicals in yeasts and bacteria to the synthesis of therapeutic proteins in mammalian cell lines. One of the tools in the continuous search for improved performance of such production systems is the development and application of mathematical models.

In this talk, we present our research efforts to use mathematical models to understand, predict, and optimize the properties and behaviour of cells as well the production systems used for their large-scale cultivation. Several examples with emphasis on Pichia pastorisfermentation will be presented. Anew approach to addressing long standing yield-roductivity dilemma in improving performance of industrial bioprocesses is discussed
