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  • Institute Colloquium By Prof. Sunil Chandran L In Faculty Hall @ 4 Pm

Institute Colloquium by Prof. Sunil Chandran L in Faculty Hall @ 4 pm

Location: Faculty Hall

Division of Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Science (EECS)

Title : From Graph Minors to Dimension Theory: Exploring Interconnections
(Click here for the poster)

Graph Minor Theory is one of the most important branches of modern graph theory. Hadwiger’s conjecture states that the chromatic number of a graph is at most the number of vertices in the largest clique minor of it.  Hadwiger’s  conjecture is  considered as one of the deepest open problems in graph theory. I will start my talk by briefly explaining our work in graph minors and Hadwiger’s conjecture.

We have extensively studied dimensional parameters of graphs. The reason behind our interest in geometric representations of graphs was our discoveries of results interconnecting some of the geometrically defined dimensional parameters of graphs like boxicity and cubicity to certain well-studied parameters of graph minor theory. Our extensive exploration of dimension theory revealed the inter-relations between geometrically defined parameters such as boxicity and purely combinatorially defined notions such as partial order dimension.

In this talk, I will also briefly mention our work in other streams of graph theory: Our extensive work on the long standing acyclic edge colorig conjecture and the recent but popular conjectures on rainbow coloring, and the interesting questions that we answered even outside our usual comfort zones.

About speaker
Sunil Chandran. L. is a professor in the computer science and automation department of Indian Institute of Science. He got his Ph.D from the Computer Science and Automation Department, IISc. He was a post doctoral fellow in Max Planck Institute for Informatik, Saarbruecken, Germany. He joined IISc as a faculty member in December 2004.

Prof. Sunil Chandran works in graph theory. He has extensively worked on geometric representations of graphs and other dimensional parameters of graphs, graph minors and  graph coloring problems.

He is a fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineers (INAE). He has received INSA Young Scientist Award (2007), NASI Young Scientist Platinum Jubilee Award (2008), NASI-SCOPUS Young Scientist Award (2012) and was selected as associate of Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore (2009-20012).

Prof. Anurag Kumar, Director, IISc, will preside.

Tea 5.00 p.m.
All are welcome
