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M.Tech through CFTI Mode

(From Acad. Year 2024-25 onwards)

IISc will be admitting students from CFTI (Graduates with a minimum duration of 4 years with specialisation as mentioned for each participating M.Tech discipline) with CGPA ≥ 8.0 directly to M.Tech from the academic year (AY) 2024-25. The list of CFTI is provided at https://newuat.olive.co.in/iisc/web/en/admissions/centrally-funded-technical-institute-cfti

The departments and centres participating in the August 2024-25 admissions are listed below. The disciplines offered, approved intake, minimum qualifications, selection process and areas of study are given below. Candidates can apply to a maximum of 3 disciplines from the M. Tech. programmes.

The selection to the M. Tech programme will be based on Career Analysis Marks (CAM) and performance in the interview.

You should apply through the Online Admissions Applications Portal

Instructions for the portal are provided here

Important deadlines – click here to view

Fee structure – click here to view


Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Discipline: Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Department/Centre/Unit: Jointly conducted by Electrical EngineeringComputer Science and AutomationComputational & Data Sciences, Electrical Communication EngineeringElectronic Systems EngineeringRobert Bosch Center for Cyber Physical Systems.


Basic Qualification: BE/ B. Tech/ 4-years BS or BS(Research) or equivalent, in any branch of Science/ Engineering. Candidates should have done a formal course in programming in C and C++.

Selection Process: Selection is based on 70% CAM (Career Analysis Marks) + 30% performance in written test.

Areas of study: Digital Signal Processing, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, Graphics, Stochastic Systems, Multimedia, Real Time and Fault Tolerant Systems, Sensor Networks, E-Commerce, Speech Processing, Real Time Signal Processing and Embedded Systems.


Computational & Data Sciences (CDS)

Discipline: Computational and Data Science (CP)

Department/Centre/Unit: Computational and Data Sciences

Intake: 6

Basic Qualification: B.E. / B. Tech. or equivalent degree in any discipline or 4 years Bachelor of Science or equivalent in any discipline of Science/Research. In all cases a strong mathematical and programming background is required.

Selection Process: Selection is based on 70% CAM (Career Analysis Marks) + 30% performance in the Interview.

Areas of study: Multidisciplinary Program Addressing: Computational and Data Science topics including: Numerical Linear Algebra, Numerical Methods, Modeling and Simulation, Optimization, Parallel computing, Distributed systems, Cloud computing, Big Data platforms, IoT, Database systems; Scalable methods, Machine learning, AI, Deep Learning, Computer vision, NLP, data analysis, visualization


Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE)

Discipline: Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE)

Department/Centre/Unit: Electrical Communication Engineering

Intake: 5

Basic Qualification: B.E. / B. Tech. or equivalent degree in any discipline.

Selection Process: Selection is based on 70% CAM (Career Analysis Marks) + 30% performance in the Interview.

Areas of study: Communications and Networking; Information and Coding Theory; Wireless Communication, AI/ML for Communications, Cyber Physical Systems, High Frequency Circuits & Systems, Signal & Information Sciences.


Electronic Systems Engineering (ESE)

Discipline: Electronic Systems Engineering

Department/Centre/Unit: Electronic Systems Engineering

Intake: 6

Basic Qualification: B.E. / B. Tech. or equivalent degree in any discipline.

Selection Process: Selection is based on 70% CAM (Career Analysis Marks) + 30% performance in the Interview.

Areas of study: Communication Networks; Embedded Systems; Power Conversion; VLSI Design; Electronics Systems Packaging; Electro Magnetic Compatibility; Analog Circuits; Mechatronics; Product Engineering. Signal Processing and Information Theory; VLSI Systems Architecture.

Electronic Product Design (EPD)

Discipline: Electronic Product Design (EPD)

Department/Centre/Unit: Electronic Systems Engineering

Intake: 2

Basic Qualification: B.E. / B. Tech. or equivalent degree in Electronics, Electrical, Communication, Mechanical, Mechatronics, Instrumentation

Selection Process: Selection is based on 70% CAM (Career Analysis Marks) + 30% performance in the Interview.

Areas of study: Electronic Product Design, Design for IoT, Embedded Systems, Mechatronic system design, Industrial design, electronic packaging.


Mechanical Engineering (ME)

Discipline: Mechanical Engineering (ME)

Department/Centre/Unit: Mechanical Engineering

Intake: 3

Basic Qualification: BE/ B. Tech. or equivalent degree in any discipline.

Selection Process: Selection is based on 70% CAM (Career Analysis Marks) + 30% performance in the Interview.

Areas of study: Solid Mechanics; Finite Element Analysis; Computer Aided Design; Non-Linear Dynamics; Vibration; Technical Acoustics; Design of Mechanical Systems; Robotics; Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems; Nano-Mechanics; Biomechanics; Tribology; Advanced Manufacturing Process; Material Science; Fluid Mechanics; Heat Transfer; I C Engines; Combustion; Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning.


Semiconductor Technology (SemT)

Discipline: Semiconductor Technology (SemT)

Department/Centre/Unit: Nano Science and Engineering

Intake: 2

Basic Qualification: BE / B Tech or equivalent degree in any discipline.

Selection Process: Selection is based on 70% CAM (Career Analysis Marks) + 30% performance in the Interview.


Areas of study: Foundational courses on micro and nano fabrication and characterization of semiconductor materials and devices including hands-on training inside class 100 cleanroom; optional minors in the areas of nanoelectronics, photonics, nano-bio and micro-systems & packaging, covering various inter-disciplinary courses on MEMS/NEMS; biosensors; micro-nanofluidics; solid-state physics; crystal growth and thin films; photonic integrated circuits; lasers & non-linear photonics; packaging; natural to artificial intelligence; microwave devices; opto-electronics and photovoltaics.


Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS)

Discipline: Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS)

Department/Centre/Unit: Robert Bosch Center for Cyber Physical Systems

Intake: 4

Basic Qualification: BE / B Tech/ BS (4 years) or equivalent degree in any discipline.

Selection Process: Selection is based on 70% CAM (Career Analysis Marks) + 30% performance in the Interview.

Areas of study: Mathematical foundations like Linear Algebra, Computational Techniques, Probability and Statistics, Control & Optimization, Statistical Signal Processing, Planning & Decisions, Stochastic and Data driven Control, AI for Robotics, Dynamics & Kinematics, Formal Techniques for CPS. Applied concepts in Networking for Robotics & Autonomous Systems, Real-Time Embedded Systems, Sensing & Actuation Systems, Applied Machine Learning for Speech & Vision, Reinforcement Learning for Robot Control, Swarm & Team Robotics, Human-Machine Interactions & social robotics, Security, Safety & Privacy for Autonomous Systems, Autonomous ground/air Robots, Navigation & Guidance, Perception via Signal & Image Processing. Experiential learning via laboratory modules for: Mobile robot programming, Control of Industrial Robot Arms, Programming of Legged Robots, Programming of Drone Systems, Tele-Robotics, Secure Data Pipelines, Robot Simulation Frameworks, VR/AR & Speech Interfaces for Robots, ROS/ROS2 Software stacks, Machine Learning for Robots, Robot hardware for Sensor & Actuator Systems, 3D Design and Prototyping for Robotics, Drone Piloting, Game engine programming, GPU Programming.



(a) The names of the Candidates short-listed for the interview will be posted on the applicant’s interface on IISc admission portal. Shortlisted candidates can take a print-out of the interview letters from the respective candidate’s LOGIN page and make necessary arrangements for attending the interview. No separate communication will be sent by post.

(b) Candidates called for interview should bring with them attested copies of all the transcripts (marks cards from SSLC or its equivalent onwards, degree certificates of the qualifying examinations, etc.) and produce them before the interview committee, failing which they will not be interviewed.

(c) Candidates belonging to the SC/ST category should bring the original caste/tribe certificate, issued by a competent authority for the purpose of verification.

(d) OBC candidates belonging to the non creamy layer/minorities (as listed in the Central list) must produce the valid OBC-NCL certificates issued on or after 01 April 2024 by a competent authority at the time of interview

(e) Candidates belonging to the Economically Weaker Section (EWS) must produce the original Income and Asset Certificate issued on or after 01 April 2024 by the competent authority

(f) Candidates belonging to the persons with disability (PwD) and Kashmiri-Migrants (KM) categories should produce the originals of the appropriate certificates, issued as per Government of India rules, and Kashmiri Pandit/Kashmiri Hindu Family living in Kashmiri valley should produce Kashmiri valley domicile certificate

(g)  At the time of joining, candidates should have completed all the requirements for the award of the qualifying degree including all examinations, dissertation projects, viva-voce, etc. Only candidates who produce all the mark sheets and degree certificates (original/provisional) issued by the University Authorities will be given admission.

(h) The students enrolled for M. Tech (through CFTI mode) programmes are not eligible for scholarship.
