Auditoria and seminar halls
People desirous of booking these amenities have to address the request to Assistant Registrar, Public Relations.

National Science Seminar Complex (NSSC)
The National Science Seminar Complex has JN Tata Auditorium which can accommodate 750 members. Further, there are 3 halls, A,B&C respectively which are meant for parallel discussions. Hall -A can accommodate 120 members, Hall-B can accommodate 90 members and Hall C- 60 members.
Presently JN Tata Auditorium is charged a rental of Rs. 1.00 lakh plus 18% GST. Hall-A, Rs.30,000/-, Hall-B, Rs. 25,000/- and Hall-C, Rs. 20,000/- are charged. However, there is a concession of Rs. 10,000/- if All the rooms along with JN Tata Auditorium, i.e. whole complex is used, thus charging Rs. 1,65,000/- plus 18% GST.

Satish Dhawan Auditorium
The Satish Dhawan Auditorium can accommodate 250 members and is charged a rental of Rs. 50,000/- plus 18% GST.

Computational Data Sciences Seminar Hall
Name of the Department : Department of Computational and Data Sciences (CDS)
Name of the auditorium or seminar hall : CDS Seminar Hall – 102
Location of the auditorium or Seminar Hall : First Floor
Capacity : 93
Is audio-video facility available? : Yes
Charges for usage : No charges
Any other relevant information : Will be given only for IISc departments/unit for academic and Research Purposes only (not available for rental for outsiders).

Materials Research Centre Auditorium
Name of the department : Materials Research Centre
Name of the auditorium or seminar hall : MRC Auditorium
Location of the auditorium or seminar hall : Ground Floor
Capacity : 160 Chairs
Is audio-video facility available ? : Yes, Available Projector and Audio System
Charges for usage : For IISc community Rs.10,000/-
For Out siders Rs. 20,000/-
Any other relevant information : There is some Poster area and Tea / Coffee serving area available.

Aerospace Engineering Auditorium
Name of the department : Aerospace Engineering
Name of the auditorium or seminar hall : Aerospace Auditorium
Location of the auditorium or seminar hall : Ground Floor
Capacity (e.g., approximate number of seats) : 100-110
Is audio-video facility availabe? : Yes
Charges for usage : RS 18000 Per Day

RBCCPS Seminar Hall
Name of the department : Robert Bosch Centre for Cyber Physical Systems
Name of the auditorium or seminar hall : Seminar Hall
Location of the auditorium or seminar hall : Third floor of the SID Entrepreneurship Centre Building
Capacity : 45 members
Is audio-video facility available : Yes. Lifesize Video/audio conferencing facility available
Charges for usage : No Charges
Any other relevant information : Please contact
Sreedevi / Subramani 080-22932046 /3430 /23600644

SSCU Auditorium
Name of the department : Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit
Name of the auditorium or seminar hall : SSCU Auditorium
Location of the auditorium or seminar hall : 1st Floor, SSCU Building
Capacity (approximate number of seats) : 120 (approx)
Is Audio-Video facility available : Yes
Charges for usage : Free for departments and centres of IISc;
Outsiders : Rs 20,000 / day
Any other relevant information : Refreshments/Lunch Serving area in Foyer downstairs.
For additional information, please contact SSCU office : 080 2293 2336