Jaya-Jayant Award for Teaching Excellence in Science/Engineering
- Description
- Criteria for Selection
This award was instituted in 1989 by Prof. V. J. Modi, an Alumnus of the Institute. This award is given once in three years – each for Science and Engineering. All faculty of the Institute are eligible to be nominated – the members of Senate being the nominators. This award carries a cash prize of Rs. 30,000/- each with a certificate.
- Teaching to be considered in the broadest sense;
- Innovations in class-room teaching as well as in special lectures at short intensive courses/seminars/conferences to receive due consideration;
- Organisation of lecture notes, publication of text books, monographs, etc., to receive special credit;
- Also organization of teaching aids including audio/visual aids and their regular use in teaching will receive recognition;
- Starting of new courses of instruction, particularly in new and emerging areas of science and technology, setting up of new laboratory experiments/facilities to assist class-room teaching will also be recognised.
- Publication of papers on teaching methods innovative instructional practices etc., to receive special consideration; Response from students/comments of referees etc. on the contributions of the faculty member to teaching excellence will also be an important input;
- Extension work related to engineering or science education.
Prof. N. S. Lakshmana Rao
Civil Engineering, 1989
Prof. B. S. Sonde
Electrical Communication Engineering, 1992
Prof. C. Ramakrishnan
Molecular Biophysics Unit, 1995
Prof. S. V. Subramanyam
Physics, 1998
Prof. N. J. Rao
Electronics Systems Engineering, 1998
Prof. V. Ramanarayanan
Electrical Engineering, 2004
Dr. Mahesh Kumari
Mathematics, 2010
Dr. M. K. Gunasekaran
Electronics Systems Engineering, 2010