Alumni Award for Excellence in Research in Science/Engineering
- Description
- Criteria for Selection
This award was instituted in 1991 by Alumni Association of the Institute This award is given every year – each for Science and Engineering. All the faculty of the Institute are eligible to be nominated – The members of the Senate being the nominators. This award carries a cash prize of Rs.20,000/- each with a certificate.
- To recognize excellence in research- through research guidance, publications (individual as well as joint), establishing research groups.
- Contributions to Industry and R&D work resulting in patent for commercialization;
- Establishing new schools for research, special research groups in specialized areas, innovative programmes of research.
Prof. R. Kumar
Civil Engineering, 1991
Prof. M. A. L. Thathachar
Electrical Engineering, 1992
Prof. S. K. Rangarajan
Inorganic &Physical Chemistry, 1993
Prof. V. Krishnan
Inorganic &Physical Chemistry, 1994
Prof. H. S. Mukunda
Aerospace Engineering, 1995
Prof. Y. V. R. K. Prasad
Materials Engineering, 1997
Prof. V. V. S. Sarma
Computer Science &Automation, 1998
Prof. Y. V. Venkatesh
Electrical Engineering, 1999
Prof. Anil Kumar
Physics, 2000
Prof. S. M. Deshpande
Aerospace Engineering, 2001
Prof. S. K. Biswas
Mechanical Engineering, 2005
Prof. B. N. Raghunandan
Aerospace Engineering, 2012