• ನೆಲೆ
  • Artificial Pancreas For Indian Diabetic Patients

Artificial Pancreas for Indian Diabetic Patients

Communication between CGM, pump and Android APP


The overall aim of the project is to develop an effective closed loop artificial pancreas system prototype for Type-1 diabetic patients, especially for the Indian population.

In a time span of two years, considerable amount of work has been done, on both technical as well as hardware aspects. Starting with extensive literature survey, in a quest to find the suitable control oriented model to detailed studies on sensor, actuators, communication protocol, and artificial pancreas system with cellular phone in the loop was done.

This was followed by human trials, prior to which extensive in-silico simulation studies were carried out using FDA approved UVA Padova’s T1DM software which helped us in understanding T1DM subjects gluco-regulatory system and fixating a standard test protocol for human trials.

The data obtained from the human trials, were successfully used in parameter estimation routine via nonlinear least squares to estimate the body physiological parameters. The estimated parameters are now being used in control algorithm development.

Apart from the successful technical/scientific development, hardware development has also been done successfully. We have successfully developed a working model of cost effective Mark-1 prototype of insulin pump designed keeping in mind the requirement of Indian use users. Mark-2 prototype of insulin pump is under design process which will be superior to Mark-1.

Website : http://aero.iisc.ac.in/people/radhakantpadhi/



