Tenders from Jan 2020 to Dec 2020
Sl.No. | Tenders Detail |
01 |
Domestic Tender Notification for the Procurement of a High-Performance Computing (HPC) Cluster in the Department of Chemical Engineering. (14/12/2020) Modified Notification ( 21/12/2020) Modified Notification (28/12/2020) Modified Notification (31/12/2020). |
02 |
Call for Tenders for Total Organic Carbon (TOC) – Total Nitrogen (TN) analyser from Indian manufacturers. (30/12/2020) |
03 |
Tender for Supply and Installation of Live Cell Metabolic Flux Analyzer. (24/12/2020) |
04 |
A Request For Quote (RFQ) from domestic (India based) manufacturers for the supply for quantitative realtime analysis thermal cycler (qRT-PCR). (23/12/2020) |
05 |
Request For Quote (RFQ) from domestic (India based) service providers for the upgrade of an MXR104A Infiniium MXR-Series Real-Time Oscilloscope, (1 GHz, 16 GSa/s, 4 Ch) from 1 to 6 GHz. (18/12/20202) |
06 |
Request For Quote (RFQ) for the procurement of chip tape-out and fabrication services on technology nodes. (16/12/2020) |
07 |
RFQ for Lock-In Amplifier. (11/12/2020) |
08 |
Tender for Extension of Bulk gas lines to second floor of CeNSE Building. (23/11/2020). Amended tender notification. (07/12/2020) |
09 |
E-tender (CPPP) notice – Supply and Installation of a Data Centre cooling system in Supercomputer Education and Research Centre (SERC), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (Tender Ref. No.: IISc/Purchase/SERC/2020/17, Date: November 30 2020), Last Date for Submissions – December 23 2020. Please visit CPPP portal for additional information. CPPP Tender ID: 2020_IISC_599758_1. (02/12/2020). This tender is cancelled. (07/02/2021) |
10 |
E-tender (CPPP) notice – Supply and Installation of a Design built Data Centre cooling system in Physical Sciences and Supercomputer Education and Research Centre (SERC), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (Tender Ref. No.: IISc/Purchase/SERC/2020/05, Date: July 8 2020), Last Date for Submissions – July 16 2020. Please visit CPPP portal for additional information. CPPP Tender ID: 2020_IISC_563602_1. (08/06/2020). Corrigendum (03/07/2020) |
11 |
12 |
Request For Quote (RFQ) from domestic (India based) manufacturers for the supply of “automated nucleic acid extraction and liquid handling robot”. (23/03/2021) |
13 |
Tender Notification for the Procurement of a Glovebox Work-Station (4 Port) from Domestic Vendors. (Last Date for Submission: Monday, April 11th, 2021) (18/03/2021) |
14 |
Tender Notification for the Procurement of a Research Grade UV-Vis-NIR Spectrometer from Domestic Vendors. (Last Date for Submission: Monday, April 11th, 2021) (18/03/2021) |
15 |
RFQ (Request for Quote) for procurement of a benchtop spectrometer system with accessories. Local Tender (India based vendors only). (17/03/2021) |
16 |
Open Tender Notification for the procurement of “Strong-Anion Exchange High Performance Liquid Chromatography (SAX-HPLC)”. (TENDER FROM DOMESTIC VENDORS) (17/03/2021) |
17 |
Notice Inviting Domestic Tender for supply and installation of Thermal Evaporator. (17/03/2021) |
18 |
Request for quote (RFQ) from domestic (India-based) manufacturers for Single Photon Detector Module. (15/03/2021) |
19 |
Request for quote (RFQ) from domestic (India-based) manufacturers for Multi-channel Time Correlated Single Photon Counter (TCSPC). (15/03/2021) |
20 |
Domestic tender notification for the procurement of a “CPU+GPU cluster for high performance computing” (Last date: 29/03/2021 by 5:00 PM). (01/03/2021) Clarification (11/03/2021) |
21 |
Request of quotation for the “1064 IR Laser ” from domestic (India based) manufacturers. (09/03/2021) |
22 |
Tender Notification for Rate Contract for Bulk Purchase and Comprehensive AMC of Fire Extinguishers Over 3 Years. (12/11/2020). Contract Award Notice. (08/03/2021) |
23 |
Domestic tender Notification for procurement of VSWIR Spectrometer. (05/03/2021) |
24 |
Domestic tender Notification for procurement of Fluorescence and VNIR Spectrometer. (05/03/2021) |
25 |
Domestic Tender for DL Workstation. (05/03/2021) |
26 |
Domestic Tender for High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). (03/03/2021) |
27 |
Domestic Tender for a Hydrogen Generation system. (19/02/2021) Revised (22/02/2021). Revised (01/03/2021) |
28 |
Tender Notification for the Procurement of a Multispectral Optoacoustic Tomography system at the Centre of BioSystems Science and Engineering (26/02/2021) |
29 |
RFQ for Wideband lockin amplifier. (25/02/2021) |
30 |
Request for quote for desktop computers (20 Nos). (22/02/2021) |
31 |
Request for quote for a server. (22/02/2021) |
32 |
RFQ (Request for Quote) for procurement of a compact and portable supercontinuum laser source as part of a limited tender (India based vendors only). (16/02/2020) |
33 |
RFQ (Request for Quote) for procurement of a spectrometer system and attachments as part of a limited tender (India based vendors only). (16/02/2020) |
34 |
RFQ (Request for Quote) for procurement of a electrical characterisation bundle and attachments as part of a limited tender (India based vendors only). (16/02/2020) |
35 |
RFQ (Request for Quote) for procurement of a compact handheld interferometer system and attachments as part of a limited tender as part of a local tender (India based vendors only). (16/02/2020) |
36 |
RFQ (Request for Quote) for procurement of a compact and portable pressure cell as part of a local tender (India based vendors only). (16/02/2020) |
37 |
RFQ (Request for Quote) for procurement of a compact and portable high brightness continuous wave (CW) Xenon light source as part of a local tender (India based vendors only). (16/02/2020) |
38 |
A request for quotation from domestic (India-based) manufacturers for a vector network analyzer (VNA)-cum-Spectrum Analyzer. (15/02/2021) |
39 |
Open Tender Notification for the procurement of “RF Spectrum Analyser” (Last date of submission of tenders: 3rd March 2021) (TENDER FROM DOMESTIC VENDORS)” (10/02/2021) |
40 |
Request for quote (RFQ) from domestic (India-based) manufacturers for the procurement of a grating-based spectrometer. Deadline for submission: February 23rd 2021. (09/02/2021) |
41 |
Request for quotation (RFQ) from domestic (India-based) manufacturers for the procurement of a time-correlated single photon counter (TCSPC). Deadling for submission: February 23rd 2021. (09/02/2021) |
42 |
Domestic Tender Notification for the Procurement of a High-Performance Computing (HPC) Cluster. (09/02/2021) |
43 |
Request for Quote (RFQ) from domestic (India-based) manufacturers for the supply and installation of KrF excimer pulsed laser as a laser source to a pulsed laser depostion system at the Functional thin films laboratory. (27/01/2021) Modified RFQ (08/02/2021) |
44 |
RFQ (Request for Quote) for Supply of Silicon wafers to be used for microelectronics applications (Quotes from Domestic manufacturers / vendors only). (08/02/2021) Revised (08/02/2021) |
45 |
E-tender (CPPP) notice – Supply and Installation of Infrastructure for HPC Room in Supercomputer Education and Research Centre (SERC), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (Tender Ref. No.: IISc/Purchase/SERC/2021/1, Date: February 5 2021), Last Date for Submissions – March 4 2021. Please visit CPPP portal for additional information. CPPP Tender ID: 2021_IISC_614648_1. |
46 |
Seeking Expression of Interest for M.Tech. (Professional Online) at |
47 |
Open Tender Notification for the procurement of “8 channel Arbitrary Waveform Generator” (Last date of submission of tenders: 26-February-2021) (TENDER FROM DOMESTIC VENDORS). (05/02/2021) |
48 |
Request for Quote (RFQ) from domestic (India-based), for the supply and installation of atomic force microscope with various scanning probe capabilities. (04/02/2021) |
49 |
Open tender notification for the procurement of “fully motorized inverted microscope with hardware based (structured illumination) optical sectioning module” (Tender from Domestic Vendors)(03/02/2021) |
50 |
RFQ (Request For Quotation) from domestic (India-based) manufacturers for a motion capture system. (02/02/21) |