Health Centre Medical Staff and Facilities
While the Officer In-charge is in charge of the day-to-day administration of the center as a whole, he receives guidance from the Medical Committee comprising of various authorities of the institute, as well as suggestions from the Student Advisory Committee.
Prof. Dipankar Nandi, Chairman, Medical Committee
Prof. Satish V. Kailash, Student Advisor
Medical Officers
Dr. C Satish Rao, Sr. Medical Officer, Officer-in-charge, Ph:22932226(O), 2293 2031(R)
Dr. R. Nirmala, Sr. Medical Officer, Ph: 2293 2411 (O), 2293 2073 (R)
Dr. Aditya Malladi , Medical Officer, Ph: 2293 2936 (O)
Dr. Neethi Ravindran, Medical Officer 2293 2552 (O)
Dr. Rohan Khot, Authorized Medical Officer, Ph No. 2293 2346
Dr. Chelsy Anna, Authorized Medical Officer, Ph No. 2293 2346
Dr. K T Bharath, Authorized Medical Officer, Contact No. 080 2293 3468
Dr. Ravi Kiran, Authorized Medical Officer, Ph No. 2293 2346
Authorized Medical Officer (Night-Duty): Ph: 2293 2006 / 2390 (O)
Dr. Shyam Prasad, Skin/Dermatology, Ph: 2293 2552 (off), 2331 8936 (res)
Dr. Sanjay B Patil, ENT, Ph: 2293 2226 (off), 2349 3487 (res)
Dr. M N Srinivasan, Consultant Radiologist, Ph: 2293 2412 (off), 98451 66705 (mob)
Dr. NandyalaSundari, Consultant Gynecologist, Ph. No. 080 2293 2412
Dr. KailashChhabria, Consultant Ophthalmologist, Ph. No. 080 2293 2412
Dr. Suryanarayana, Endocrinologist, Ph: 2293 2226 (off)
Dr. Basavaraj Kuntoji, Physician, Ph. 2293 2411
Dr. Shalini Sharma, Pediatrician, Ph. 2293 2990
Ms. Savitha M S, MSc (Clinical Psychology), PDCP Ph: 080 2294 3628
Mr. B G Sridhar, MSc (Clinical Psychology), Ph: 080 2293 3629
Allied Speciality:
Mr. K Vishnu Kumar Reddy, Physiotherapy, Ph: 080 2293 3468
Mrs. Ruth Boyle, Physiotherapy, Ph: 080 2293 3468
Other Contacts:
Office: 080 2293 2234/3617
Reception: 080 2293 2227
Laboratory: 080 2293 2007
Nursing: 080 2293 2390/2006
X-ray: 080 2293 2348
Pharmacy: 080 2293 2412