- मुख्य पृष्ठ
- Admissions
- Welcome to the Admissions Website for IISc! This website has information related to the admissions process for various admissions cycle. The key pages are listed below. You can also access these links and other details from the menus.
Four-year Bachelor of Science (Research): The in-person counselling session for the selected candidates through JEE(Main) Mode of Entry is scheduled at 09:00 AM on June 04, 2024, in the Faculty Hall at IISc Main Building. Selected candidates can download the offer letter by logging on to the admission portal under available downloads. Please click here to view the rank cutoff for the JEE(Main) exam and other important instructions
Admission Notice for BTech(Mathematics and Computing) Program for the Academic Year 2024-2
The last date for online submission of the application form for the four-year Bachelor of Science (Research) Programme is extended till 14 May 2024(website closes at 23:59 hours of 14.5.2024)

Dear Prospective Student,
Greetings from Indian Institute of Science (IISc), a premier institution of education, research and innovation in science and engineering. It gives us immense pleasure to note that you are considering to join IISc for your higher studies.
Since its beginnings in 1909, IISc has pioneered various post-graduate and undergraduate degree programs and continues to contribute to the cutting edge research.
- Under-graduate (UG) Programmes
- Post-graduate (PG) Course Programmes
- Post-graduate (PG) Research Programmes
- Programmes for OCI and International Students
Under-graduate (UG) Programmes
Post-graduate (PG) Course Programmes
Post-graduate (PG) Research Programmes
Programmes for OCI and International Students
- Basic Qualifications Required for Under-graduate Programmes
- Basic Qualifications Required for Post- graduate degree programmes (Full-time)
- Basic Qualifications Required for Research programmes (Full-time)
- Basic Qualifications Required for Post- graduate / Research programmes (Working Professionals)

Choose the Degree Programme you wish to apply to
Before you start your online application, please read the Admissions Website carefully for details on the various programmes, eligibility requirements, deadlines, fees, etc.
Also go through the instructions for filling the online application form and ensure that you have the necessary details and documents ready.
The Semester starts from the 1st working day of August.
Please see here for details of the various Degree Programmes at IISc. A flowchart of the basic qualifications such as previous academic qualifications, national entrance exams, etc. required for the degree programmes at IISc is also provided.
Candidates who hold non-Indian passports, but are Overseas Citizen of India(OCI) Cardholders, fall under either Category-1 or Category-2, as described here. Category-1 OCI applicants should apply through the Online Admissions Portal for domestic students. International applicants and Category-2 OCI applicants should apply though the Office of International Relations (OIR).
No, there is no NRI quota for admissions at IISc. The candidate has to apply through the regular admission portal.
- Quotes
- Writeups

Reshma Shenoy, MTech, ESE (Joined IISc in 2015)
Having done my schooling and graduation in Mumbai (a period of 16 years), I really wanted a “change”. A change that would make me fiercely independent, confident and motivated. Today, almost in my last month of Master’s Program in DESE, I can scream to the world and say that I have achieved most of the above. Meeting people with different attitudes and knowledge has made me more open-minded. Despite being an electronics student, my realm of knowledge increased not only in one domain but also in several others. My interest in birds and wildlife especially was triggered by interactions with friends in the biology and CES departments. My determination to be physically fit was imbibed here. I started to learn kung-fu and swimming. I played badminton and am currently being coached for lawn tennis. I realized the importance of staying healthy for a good and happy life. I also got the opportunity to be a part of the women’s welfare committee and help my fellow mates with their problems; this made me more considerate and thoughtful. Whenever I felt low or wanted a break, a walk near the Main Building, listening to the melodious birds in Jubilee gardens or even a coffee at Prakruthi could heal every bit of it, which showed me that you do not really need fancy things to cheer yourself up. Nature will do it in its own mysterious way. IISc is truly one of its kind. Lucky are we, to have experienced and learnt from it 🙂
Casting magic spells at Hogwarts was my aim, the little day dreamer that I was back then. Now that I see Eigen values floating in my dreams, I can firmly justify that life has changed a lot after coming to IISc. Life works in mysterious ways, sometimes accidentally, sometimes brutally, sometimes vehemently and sometimes wonderfully. Research at IISc is the same! The word “Re-search” itself says repeat your search. When you are not getting your results, you repeat your experiments or simulations multiple times, each time implementing a new idea. Thus, passion for your work and hard work are indispensable bounties of life at IISc. Asking the right questions, at the right time, to the right person marks the difference between success and failure. For that, understanding the mood of your professor is one unique thing that I have learnt here. I have learnt to optimize not only my simulation results but also all the aspects of my life since time management is not optional. Working late nights in the labs, loitering around at Gym Café and Prakruthi, occasional walks around the campus especially near the main building, blurting out all the frustrations while sitting at Sankey lake with friends, eating at NIAS and BEL road, all sum it up. But the most important thing that IISc has taught me is to compete in the right direction. Be it studies, research, play or relationships, it has made me realize how each one of us follows different paths. Not everyone has a girlfriend/boyfriend, but everyone sure has a friend in the form of their research!

Utkarsha Dhanwate, MTech, CH (Joined IISc in 2016)

Santosh Aparanji, PhD, CeNSE (Joined IISc in 2015)
On my first visit to IISc, I saw only things serene, Verdant Gulmohar Marg would make Cubbon park go green. My admission to IISc being on July fourteen, There was more to explore than the Prakriti canteen! In my coursework, I realized that the professors were keen, And of stellar ken, so it took time to get what they mean. But once we grasped the concepts, we could beat Einstein, And with state-of-the-art labs, we could make Frankenstein. The talks and seminars I attended abounded with caffeine, Revolving around bosons, photons and every kind of protein, And machine learning, quantum mechanics, and things unforeseen, It gives immense pleasure to know a researcher’s doctrine. The students here are not confined to a monotonous routine, When I leave my hostel and mess food’s salad green, I’d reminisce about the day when IISc was first seen, Thank everyone here who may make me known to the Queen, But in my heart I’ll forever keep the spirit of IISc evergreen!
Contact Address
Deputy Registrar (Academics) Admissions Unit Indian Institute of Science Bangalore – 560 012
Enquiry Timing
Monday to Friday 09:30 AM to 05:30 PM
For Undergraduate Programmes