Integrated Ph. D. Programmes
The Institute offers exciting opportunities to motivated and talented Bachelor’s degree holders with a keen sense of scientific enquiry for pursuing advanced research in frontier areas of Biological, Chemical, Physical and Mathematical Sciences leading to a Ph D degree. Experience shows that students entering this program save nearly a year compared to those who go for a 2 year Master’s degree program elsewhere and then join the Institute for a Ph D program. Each year, the Institute admits 70 to 90 students (15 to 23 in the Biological Sciences, 15 to 23 in the Chemical Sciences, 15 to 23 in the Physical Sciences and 15 to 23 in the Mathematical Sciences) under this program. The program consists of flexible course work, an internship-type laboratory training (wherein ample opportunities exist for the candidate to acquire basic experimental skills and familiarity with advanced techniques for research), a research project to demonstrate the attainment of a high degree of scientific ability followed by advanced research leading to a Ph D thesis on a specific topic.
You should apply through the Online Admissions Applications Portal. Instructions for the portal are provided here.
Eligibility, Selection Procedure, Online Application Instructions Please click here
Important deadlines, click here to view
Fee structure, click here to view.
Department/Centre/Unit:Biochemistry, Centre for Ecological Sciences, Molecular Reproduction, Development & Genetics, Molecular Biophysics, Microbiology & Cell Biology, and Centre for Neuroscience (BS).
BASIC QUALIFICATION FOR ELIGIBILITY:First Class in Bachelor’s or an equivalent degree in Physical, Chemical or Biological Sciences, B.Tech in Biotechnology (including Bachelor’s in Pharmaceutical, Veterinary Sciences and Agricultural Sciences).
Areas of Research:Biomembranes – Physical and Physiological Studies; Structure-Function of Nucleic Acids; Gene Structure and Function in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes; Microbial and Human Genetics; Recombinant DNA Technology; Molecular Virology and Mechanisms of Disease Processes; Enzymology, Protein Chemistry and Engineering; Cellular and Applied Immunology; Molecular Endocrinology and Reproductive Biology; Conformation of Biomolecules and Biopolymers; Protein and Virus Crystallography; Structural Biology; Mathematical Ecology; Human Ecology; Behaviour and Sociobiology; Conservation Ecology; Evolutionary Biology, Ecophysiology, Plant Molecular Biology and Development, Imprinting, Molecular Oncology, Cell Biology. Neurobiology of diseases, Nervous System Development; Learning and Memory and Synaptic Physiology; Cognitive Neuroscience and Computation in visual and motor systems.
Department/Centre/Unit:Organic Chemistry, Inorganic & Physical Chemistry, Solid State & Structural Chemistry Unit and Materials Research Centre (CS).
BASIC QUALIFICATION FOR ELIGIBILITY:First Class in B Sc or an equivalent degree with Chemistry as one of the main subjects with Mathematics at the PUC or Plus 2 level.
Areas of Research:Ultrafast Chemical Dynamics; Theoretical Chemistry; Statistical Phenomena; Surface Chemistry and Catalysis; Chemical Kinetics; Solid State Materials Chemistry; Amorphous Materials; Nanomaterials; Ceramics; Super-Conductors; Biomaterials; Synthetic Organic, Physical Organic and Organometallic Chemistry; Chemistry of Transition & Non-Transition Metals; Bioorganic Chemistry; Chemical Biology; Biomaterials and Biological Processes at Materials Interface; Supramolecular Chemistry and Applications; Chemistry and Applications of Polymers; Electrochemistry: Principles, Electrochemical Energy Storage and Generation, Electrochemical Devices; Thin film devices;Molecular and Van der Walls Spectroscopy; Development of NMR Methodologies and Applications.
Department/Centre/Unit:Physics and Centre for High Energy Physics, Department of Instrumentation and Applied Physics (PS).
BASIC QUALIFICATION FOR ELIGIBILITY:A minimum of first class or equivalent in B.Sc. or an equivalent degree with Physics as one of the main subjects or BE/B Tech or equivalent in any discipline.
Areas of Research:(A) Experimental Studies: (I) Condensed Matter Physics (Ii) Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, and (Iii) X-Ray Crystallography of Bio-Molecular Structures. Specific Areas Include: Raman and Other Spectroscopies; Fast Ionic Conductivity; Manipulation of Matter By Light, Laser Cooling and Trapping of Atoms, Ion Trapping, Precision Laser Spectroscopy; Magnetism, Spintronics, Magnetic Thin Films, Magnetotransport; Quantum Transport in Low-Dimensional and Disordered Materials, The Metal-Insulator Transition; Magnetic Resonance Phenomena; NMR Spectroscopy; Nanoscience and Nanomaterials; Superconductivity in Bulk as well as Thin Films; Semiconductors; Ferroelectricity, Crystal Growth Studies, Nonlinear Optical Materials, Multiferroics; Phase Transition Studies, High Pressure and Low Temperature Studies, Study of Low Dimensional Materials, Amorphous Materials, Novel Glasses and Nanocomposites; Soft Condensed Matter: Colloids, Surfactants and Biological Material; Peptide and Protein Crystallography, Complexation Studies and Drug-Nucleic Acid Interactions, Molecular Modeling, Database Analysis; Polymer Physics, Surface X-Ray Scattering, Surface Phase Transitions. (B)Theoretical Studies On a Variety of Aspects of Condensed Matter Physics, in Particular: Strongly Correlated Systems, Quantum Many-Body Theory and Magnetism, Exotic Order and Quantum Criticality; Phase Transitions, Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Statistical Physics; Disordered and Amorphous Systems, The Glass Transition, Neural Networks; Spatiotemporal Chaos and Turbulence in Fluids, Plasmas and Cardiac Tissue; Soft Condensed Matter: Colloids, Surfactants, Membranes, Liquid Crystals, Vortex Lattices; Biological Physics: The Mechanics of Living Matter; Molecular Modeling of Soft and Bio-Materials. (C) High Energy Physics: Quantum Field Theory, The Standard Model of Particle Physics and Beyond, Physics of and At High Energy Particle Colliders, Field Theory in Non-Commutative Space Time, Quantum Computation, Applications of Quantum Field Theory To Condensed Matter Systems, String Theory. High Energy Physics; Experiment. CMS Experiment at CERN; Large Hadron Collider. (D) Astronomy & Astrophysics: Theoretical Cosmology, Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Structure formation, Gravitational Lensing, Physics Around Black Holes, Nuclear Astrophysics, Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, Physics of Compact Objects, Plasma Astrophysics, Computational Astrophysics, Galaxy Clusters, Galactic Astronomy, Interstellar Matter, Astrophysical Turbulence.
Department/Centre/Unit:Mathematics (MS)
BASIC QUALIFICATION FOR ELIGIBILITY:First Class in B Sc or equivalent degree with Mathematics as one of the subjects or BE/ B Tech or equivalent degree.
Areas of Research:Numerical Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, Controllability, Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, Probability Theory, Random Matrix Theory and Random Analytic Functions, Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes, Stochastic Control, Stochastic Dynamic Games, Stochastic Geometry, Interacting Particle Systems,, Time Series Analysis with Applications to Neuroscience, Mathematical Finance, Functional Analysis, Harmonic Analysis, Several Complex Variables, Operator Theory, Algebraic Topology, Geometric Topology, Combinatorial Topology, Commutative Algebra, Algebraic Geometry, Differential Geometry, Representation Theory, Non-commutative Geometry, Combinatorics, Mathematical Physics, Experimental Mathematics, Modular Forms, Analytic Number Theory.
Eligibility and Selection Procedure
- Eligibility
- Selection Procedure
Disciplines | Educational qualification | Qualifying examination |
Biological Sciences |
A minimum of first class or equivalent in Bachelor’s or an equivalent degree in Physical, Chemical or Biological Sciences (including Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical, Veterinary Sciences and Agricultural Sciences) or A minimum of first class or equivalent in BE/B Tech degree. |
JAM 2023 in Biotechnology(BT) or Chemistry (CY) or Mathematics (MA) or Physics (PH) Biotechnology (BT) |
Physical Sciences |
A minimum of first class or equivalent in B.Sc. or an equivalent degree with Physics as one of the main subjects or BE/B Tech or equivalent in any discipline. |
JAM 2023 in Physics (PH) or JEST 2023 |
Mathematical Sciences |
A minimum of first class or equivalent in B Sc or equivalent degree with Mathematics as one of the subjects or BE/B Tech or equivalent degree. |
JAM 2023 in Mathematics (MA) or Mathematical Statistics (MS) |
Chemical Sciences |
A minimum of first class in B.Sc. or an equivalent degree with Chemistry as one of the main subjects with Mathematics at the PUC or Plus 2 level. |
JAM 2023 in Chemistry (CY) or Physics (PH) |
Additional notes
(a) Candidates with a Bachelor’s degree in Biology/Biotechnology/ Chemistry/ Physics/ Mathematics/ Pharmacy/ Veterinary Sciences/ Agriculture as applicable to individual discipline, under the 10+2+3/4 system, are eligible to apply to this program.
(b) The minimum requirement for admission to the Integrated Ph D programme is a FIRST CLASS or equivalent Grade in the Bachelor’s degree (as declared by the University) as indicated against each department.
(c) The minimum requirement of FIRST CLASS in the qualifying examination is relaxed to PASS CLASS for SC/ST candidates.
(d) Some departments have specific requirements of subjects at the Bachelor’s or 10+2 levels. Candidates have to ensure that they meet these requirements.
(e) Those in the final year of their qualifying examination and awaiting results are also eligible to apply. However, they should have completed all the requirements for the award of the qualifying degree, including all examinations, dissertation projects, viva-voce, etc., by the time of joining.
(f) While the regular PhD program allows an exemption from GATE scores for students with a 4-year degree from a CFTI and with a >= 8.0 CGPA out of 10.0, this is not applicable to Integrated PhD programme.
The short-listing of candidates for in-person(offline) interview is done based on the performance in JAM 2023. Short listing for Physical Sciences is also done based on JEST 2023. Interviews are held during 29-31 May 2023 and June 1, 2023.
Selection – For Biological, Physical and Mathematical Sciences selection will be based on the combined performance in the Test and in Interview. For Chemical Sciences, selection will be based only on the performance in the Interview.
Candidates written the following papers in JAM are eligible for the discipline(s) to which they seek admission.
Eligible Discipline(s) | JAM paper answered |
Physical Sciences | Physics (PH) (also those who clear JEST) |
Chemical Sciences | Chemistry (CY) or Physics (PH) |
Biological Sciences | Biotechnology (BT) or Chemistry (CY) or Mathematics (MA) or Physics (PH) |
Mathematical Sciences | Mathematics (MA) , Mathematical Statistics (MS) |
(a) The interview letters for the short-listed candidates will be sent by email and the same is available on the Applicant’s interface after login to the Admission Portal. Such candidates shall make necessary arrangements for attending the interview. No separate communication will be sent by post. TA (second class sleeper class train fare) will be paid to all the SC/ST candidates who attend the in-person interview.
(b) Candidates called for an interview have to make their own arrangements for travel and accommodation etc.
(c) Candidates called for an interview should bring with them attested copies of all the transcripts (marks cards from SSLC or equivalent onwards, degree certificates of the qualifying examination, etc.) and produce them before the interview committee, failing which, they will not be interviewed.
(d) Candidates belonging to the SC/ST category should bring the original caste/tribe certificates, issued by competent authorities for purposes of verification.
(e) If you belong to Economically Weaker Section (EWS) – you must produce the original Income and Asset Certificate issued by the competent authority.
(f) Candidate belonging to PwD (person-with-disability), KM (Kashmiri-Migrant) categories should produce the originals of the appropriate certificates, issued as per Government of India rules, and Kashmiri Pandit/Kashmiri Hindu Family living in Kashmiri valley should produce Kashmiri valley domicle certificate.
(g) The offer letter for the selected candidates will be posted on IISc website during the second week of June. They can download the offer letter and make necessary arrangements including payment of fees etc. No separate communication will be sent by post.
(h) The candidates admitted to the Integrated Ph D programmes should report to the Institute for completing admission formalities.
(i) At the time of joining, candidates should have completed all the requirements for the award of the qualifying degree including all examinations, dissertation projects, viva-voce, etc.
(j) Only candidates who produce all the mark sheets and degree certificates (original or provisional) issued by the University Authority will be given regular admission.
(k) Candidates who are awaiting results but have completed all formalities for the award of a degree should produce at the time of joining, a Course-Completion Certificate, issued by the Head of the institution (The Principal/Registrar). Such candidates will be given only provisional admission, which will be regularized on their producing all the marks sheets and degree certificates (original, or provisional) etc., issued by the University Authority on or before 31 October 2023, failing which, the provisional admission stands cancelled.
(l) Candidates who are given provisional admission are eligible for a scholarship only on regularisation of admission (on production of the required documents). They will be paid a scholarship with retrospective effect, i.e., from the date of joining.