Endowed Visiting Chair
IISc has a number of distinguished visiting chair positions to facilitate short-term visits by accomplished researchers in various disciplines. The Chairs provide for airfare, local hospitality, and an honorarium. The recipients of the Chair positions participate in various academic and research activities and interact with faculty and students in IISc. On-campus accommodation for a visitor is provided, subject to availability, in IISc’s Centenary Visitor’s House (CVH), which has well-furnished apartments suitable for comfortable living with a small family. An academic department in IISc will serve as a host to the Visitor to coordinate the academic and research activities.
The Chair positions are described below along with a list of previous recipients.
This Chair was instituted in 2001 with an endowment by the Indian Aluminium Company-Kolkata. The Chair would be offered to an eminent Scientist/Researcher/Technologist of international recognition/reputation from within the country or abroad. The researcher occupying this chair is expected to interact with Aluminium industries in India to promote Industry-Institute interaction and promote relevant research at the Institute relating to Aluminium.
Prof. H K D H Bhadeshia
Prof. T Debroy
Prof. Rishi Raj
Prof. T Debroy
Prof. John Pethica
Prof. Vaughan R Voller
Prof. Amiya K Mukherjee
Prof. Guruswami Ravichandran
Prof. Lalit Anand
Prof. K Ravi Chandar
Prof. Laszlo Toth
Prof. S. Chandrasekar
Prof. Christian Friedrich Martin Heilmaier
This Visiting Chair, instituted in 2001, through an endowment from the IISc Alumni association is open to the Alumni of the Institute who are working in reputed institutions in India and abroad and is for a duration of up to three months.
Dr. R Chidambaram
Prof. Brahm Prakash Chair Was instituted during 1989 with an endowment created in the memory of late Prof. Brahm Prakash, who served as the Chair of the Department of Metallurgy at the Institute and also made major contributions to India’s atomic energy and space programmes.
Prof. T R Anantharaman
Prof. R R Tummala
Prof. Brij M Moudgil
Prof. Subhash Chander
Prof. Subra Suresh
Prof. R Ramesh
Prof. Subhash Mahajan
Prof. Ing. Gunther Eggeler
Prof. S Chandrasekar
Prof. Tanguy Rouxel
Prof. Antony David Rollett
Prof. Lars E Arnberg
Prof. John Banhart
Prof. Ganapati Ramanad
Prof. Francisco Javier Llorca Matinez
Prof. Narendra Dahotre
Prof. D Hyang Kim
Prof. Yunzhi Wang
Prof. Tamas Ungar
Prof. Kannan M Krishnan
Prof. Jiang-Zhong
Prof. Tamas Ungar
Prof. Surya R Kalidindi
Prof. Jerzy Antoni Szpunar
David P Fieid
Prof. Sridhar Seetharaman
Prof. Hamish L. Fraser
Prof. Manoj Gupta
Prof. Sergii Divinskyi
Prof. Werner Skrotzki
Shervanthi Homer-Vanniasinkam
Teresa Perez-Prado
Apparao Mohan Rao
This chair was instituted during 2003 with an endowment given by M/s Du Pont de Nemours and Company, USA, for attracting researchers in the areas of Materials, Life Sciences & Polymers The Chair would be offered to an eminent Researcher from within the country or abroad.
Prof. Anand Jogata
Prof. G N Ramachandran Chair, endowed by the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, was established during 2000. The Chair would be offered to a distinguished scientist for a period up to one year.
Prof. Venkataraman Ramakrishnan, MRC Lab of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK, 2006, 2008-09
Prof.Tom Blundell, University of Cambridge, UK, 2008
This Chair was stablished in 1996 by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) in the field of Engineering Sciences, having relevance to Space Science & Technology.
Prof. K R Sreenivasan
Prof. S S. Iyengar
Prof. J N Reddy
Prof. Tribrikram Kundu
Prof. P Guruswamy
Prof. D.S. Naidu
Prof. Garry L Brown
Prof. Rama K Yedavalli
Lalitha Udupa
Shanker Balasubramaniam
Ramanujan Hegde
Pavithra Prabhakar
Bharat Bhushan
Srihari Keshavamurthy
Prof. Satish Nagarajaiah
Prof. Rao S. Govindaraju
This Chair, instituted in 1998, is in two categories, the first one is offered for a duration of of approximately one year and the second one is offered for a duration of a few weeks to a few months.
Prof. RomilaThapar
Prof. S K Ramachandra Rao
Dr. Kapila Vatsyayan
Prof. Ramachandra Guha
Prof. Meenakshi Mukherjee
Prof. Ashok V Desai
Prof. U R Anantha Murthy
Prof. Rajan Gurukkal
Prof. S L Byrappa
Prof. Ashok V Desai
Prof. Uma Das Gupta
Prof. Chintan Vaishnav
Dr. David L. Kirp
Coretta Philips
PRATT & WHITNEY CHAIR in Gas Turbine Engineering:
This chair was instituted by M/s. United Technologies Corporation, Pratt & Whitney Division in July 2008 with an endowment in the Department of Aerospace Engineering to strengthen the Gas Turbine Research initiative. Currently, this is offered for period of one to two months.
Prof. Dilip R Ballal
Dr. Jayant S Sabnis
Prof. Timothy C Lieuwen
Prof. Hukam C Mongia
Prof. Ravi N Banavar
A M Rajendran
This Professorship will be valid for two years from the date of the first visit by the visiting Professor ( the visitor is expected to spend normally a minimum period of two months). The IISc-DST Centenary Chair Professor will interact with the faculty and students of the Institute, inspire enhanced levels of research collaboration and streamline growth of new areas of research at the Institute. Shorter visits of about one month will be decided on mutually agreed terms between the Institute and thevisitor.
Prof. Uriel Frisch
Prof. Venkatraman Ramakrishnan
Prof. Bruno Ricco
Prof. Tom Albright
Prof. P M Ajayan
Prof. Jainendra K Jain
Prof. Thomas G Thundat
Prof. Bian Cantor
Prof. Ramesh Narayan
Prof. Jainendra K Jain
Prof. William A Goddard
Prof. Allan Peter Young
Prof. Richard N Zane
Smt. Rukmini – Gopalakrishnachar Chair was instituted during 2007 by an alumnus in the Division of Electrical Sciences. This chair is offered to celebrated researchers in Computer Science and related areas to visit IISc for research interactions and collaborations for several weeks to months.
Prof. Richard Anderson
Prof. Jaime Carbonell
Prof. Michael L Norman
Prof. Rakesh Agrawal
Prof. Sargur N Srihari
Prof. Babak Falsafi
Prof. Pavol Hell
Murali Annavaram
This endowed chair was instituted by the Bharat Electronics Limited in 2008 to support the visit of eminent scientists with the objective of research collaborations and capacity building in new technologies for microwave and mm-wave radar systems, signal processing and communications in IISc.
Prof. Dusan Zrnic
Dr. Goutam Chattopadhyay
Prof. D V Giri, CEO
Prof. V Chandrasekar
This endowed chair was instituted by the Central Power Research Institute, Bangalore to support the visit of eminent scientists with the objective of research collaborations in new technologies for power systems and power electronics.
Prof. Ashoka K S Bhat
Prof. Tangali S Sudarshan
Prof. Vijay Vittal
Prof. Balarko Chaudhuri
Prof. Tarlochan S Sidhu
Three endowed chairs have been instituted by the Pratiksha Trust founded by Mr. Kris Gopalakrishnan and Mrs. Sudha Gopalakrishnan in 2015. This generous endowment supports creation of three endowed chairs offered to distinguished scientists in the areas of electrical, electronics, and computer sciences having broad relevance for brain research, learning, data science, and neuromorphic computing. The chair professors visit IISc for at least a month every year up to five years, to facilitate high impact collaboration leading to capacity building and ecosystem creation in the above areas.
Prof. Uriel Frisch
Prof. Shihab Shamma
Prof. Vasant Honavar
Prof. Christos Papadimitriou
Sachin Deshmukh
Rajest P N Rao
The Infosys Foundation has endowed Visiting Professorships in Mathematics and Physics at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc). The purpose of these Professorships is to bring distinguished scientists in the broad areas of Physical and Mathematical Sciences to the IISc campus for collaborative research interactions. Visiting Professors are expected to spend a total of one year at IISc; visits can be spread out over a period of 4 years. The remuneration package for these Visiting Professorships is internationally competitive. If you are interested in this Professorship, please contact a faculty member at IISc who will then take the process forward. If you would like to nominate a distinguished Physicist or Mathematician for this Professorship, please send a nomination to the Chairman, Division of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Indian Institute of Science by e-mail (dean.phy@iisc.ac.in).
Venkatesh Kodur
Prof. Jainendra K Jain
Prof. Susanne C Brenner
Prof. Aneesh V Maonohar
Prof. Xerxes Tata
Prof. James Connolly
Harald Upmeier
David Logan
Guy Theraulaz
Vyjayanthi Chari
Girish S Agarwal
Mohit Randeria
Roland Netz
Ananth Grama
James A D Connolly
Swapan Chattopadhyay
Yuvel Gefen
Ueli Grossniklaus
Ashoke Sen
Ramanujan Hegde
Venkatesh Kodur
A R Ravishankara
Je-Geun Park
Vasant Honavar
Shihab Shamma
The Prof. K P Abraham Visiting Chair Professorship will enable distinguished scientists to spend significant periods of time at IISc.
Professor Kadavil Poulose Abraham (1920-2011) served the department of Metallurgy for 21 years, including the period 1972-1977 when he was the fourth Head of the Department. As a teacher, Professor Abraham inspired many generations of students through his lectures on thermodynamics and extractive metallurgy. His teaching covered both iron & steel and nonferrous metals. He helped establish laboratories in Process Metallurgy, some of which were pioneering in the Indian scene. When that generation of alumni reflects on the solidity of the fundamentals with which they left IISc, it is in large part a testimony to the academic excellence that Professor Abraham nurtured. His students went on to become leading metallurgists and materials scientists, both in academic institutions as well as in industry, in India and abroad. In launching this appeal, the Institute and the department, where he spent the major part of his working life, would like to pay tribute to his accomplishments in laying the foundations for what has now become a vibrant centre for teaching and research in the field of materials in India.