External Registration Program (ERP) for Ph.D./M.Tech. (Research)

The External Registration Programme (ERP) at the Institute provides opportunities to

(1) individuals employed in R & D environments in scientific institutions or industries and

(2) young Engineering / Science faculty members of all Engineering Colleges/Universities including Agricultural, Pharmaceutical, Veterinary, Medical Colleges,/Universities recognized by appropriate government agencies to pursue research degrees in Science / Engineering.

Applicants applying for ERP must see the “Research programme” page for a list of departments, eligibility and areas of research.

The required qualifications remain the same as for the regular candidates except for the requirement of qualifying in one of the national entrance tests. However, qualifying in one of the national entrance tests like CSIR-UGC NET for JRF, UGC-NET for JRF, DBT JRF, ICMR JRF, GATE, NBHM etc., is desirable.

The guidelines for the ERP programme and the format for the Sponsorship Certificate from the Head of the Organization is given here.

Important deadlines, click here to view

Fee structure, click here to view.


In addition to possessing the academic qualifications mentioned in the respective departments, an applicant should also fulfill the following requirements:

1. Professional Experience

Should have completed full-time employment of two years as on 1st August of the respective Academic year.

2. Organization/Institution

The Organization/Institution must have at least 5 years of existence for sponsoring Ph.D. candidates to the ERP programme, and 3 years of existence for sponsoring M. Tech (Research) candidates. Only persons engaged in R & D work in Technical / Scientific Institutions/ Industries or R & D Establishments are eligible. The Organization/Institution should have adequate facilities for carrying out research. DSIR Certification is preferred but not mandatory. Organizations without DSIR certification will have to fill up an IISc proforma, which will capture relevant information about R & D capability of the organization.

3. Age

Should not have completed 50 years of age before the commencement of the classes.

4. Sponsorship

 Unconditional sponsorship by the employer is essential.  This sponsorship should be complete in all respects as per the Institute requirements and should be obtained at the time of submitting the application itself.  In the absence of this, the application will be rejected. To view format of Sponsorship certificate click here

 5. Joint Research Supervisor (for candidates from R&D Organization/Industries)

The applicant should identify a Joint Research Supervisor from the sponsoring organization (who must be a permanent staff member) who satisfies the following requirements of the Institute and is willing to supervise the research work of the candidate as a supervisor.

  • The Joint Research Supervisor should be from the same organization or its parent organization, irrespective of their physical location. In case the physical locations are different, the application form needs to be endorsed by competent authorities of both locations/organizations
  • The Joint Research Supervisor from the organization should be a Ph D holder with at least 3 years of Post-Doctorate experience.
  • The Joint Research Supervisor from the Organisation must have at least 5 years of regular service left in the present organisation. In case there is no specific superannuation age (such as in private sector), then the upper age limit is 62 years.
  • The Joint Research Supervisor must attend the comprehensive examination, oral examination and any other student evaluation meeting set up by the Institute.
  • The organization will ensure to provide alternative Joint Research Supervisor if the current supervisor ceases to remain as a regular/full-time employee in the organization during the Ph.D. programme of the candidate.

6. Research Supervisor from the Institute

  • The applicant should identify a Research Supervisor from the department concerned at the time of submitting the application itself.

7. Documents to be submitted along with application form on or before last date of receipt of hard copy of application form

  • Application Form (duplicate)
  • Details and Signature of the proposed Joint Research Supervisor from the Organisation( as per format generated after filling application form).
  • Details and Signature of the proposed Research Supervisor from IISc(as per format generated after filling application form)
  • Unconditional Sponsorship certificate as per given format only (as per format generated after filling application form)Sample is given here.
  • Brief outline of the proposed research work. Sample is given here
  • Resume of the proposed Joint Research Supervisor from the organisation (as per the format generated on submission of application form) Sample is given here
  • A recent profile of your organisation
  • Photo copies of marksheets of 10th Std, 12th std, UG Degree and / or PG Degree, National Entrance Test certificates such as GATE / CEED / CSIR/UGC, etc are to be enclosed with the application form,
  • Any other document.

8. Only those applications, whose hardcopy has been received by the Academic Section, IISc will be considered for admission.

 A printout of the online application form (in duplicate) should reach the Deputy Registrar (Academic), Admissions Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012 as per the schedule mentioned on the announcement page and the last date for the receipt of applications will not be extended for any reason.

Selection Procedure

The short-listed eligible candidates will be called for an interview as per the schedule mentioned on the announcement page. The final selection is based on the performance of the candidate in the interview.

On Admission

  • Candidates admitted to the program must continue to remain in the same organization and place of work until the research work is completed. If the candidate is transferred or joins a new organization before the submission of the thesis, his/her registration shall be cancelled.
  • Candidates once registered will not be permitted to retain the registration in case they go abroad unless they complete the course work and the Comprehensive Examination/General Test.
  • Candidates shall invariably obtain prior permission from the Institute before they go abroad as part of their work.

9. RTP requirements

  • The candidate is required to spend a minimum of one term or two terms at the Institute right after admission and hence should be available at Bengaluru for the same. Otherwise, the registration is liable to be cancelled. The courses to be taken by the candidate during the residential period will be finalized by the Research Supervisor from the Institute as per the academic requirements in force.
  • The candidate is required to spend at least 8 weeks every subsequent year in consultation and interaction with the research supervisor from the Institute and submit a certificate to this effect.

10. Progress Report

  • The candidate should submit a report of the progress of work done through the research supervisors from IISc and the organisation at the end of every 6 months. If a report is not received thrice during the studentship, the registration will be terminated.