Faculty Club

The Faculty Club of the Indian Institute of Science is located in a pleasant bungalow set in spacious grounds within the campus. It was started in 1929 as the Staff Club, and was later re-designated the Faculty Club. Membership is constituted by the Faculty and Officers. The club is open from 7am to 9 pm on weekdays and from 12 noon to 8 pm on Sundays and holidays. Day to day affairs are administered by a Managing Committee whose term runs for two years.

Post Name Department Phone email
Chairman Prof. Upendra Nongthomba MRDG 3258 upendra@iisc.ac.in
Gen. Secretary Mr. Veeranna Kammar CSS 2647 veeranna@iisc.ac.in
Tresurer Mr. Krishna Kant Kumar F&A 3615 krishnakantk@iisc.ac.in
Snack Parlour Mr. G Lohithesh Kumar CCMD 2546 lohitheshk@iisc.ac.in
Reading Room & Library Dr. Suresh Balutagi LIB 2610 bbsuresh@iisc.ac.in
Sports & Games Dr. K Ramesh PHY 2716 kramesh@iisc.ac.in
Secretary, Fine Arts Ms. Aparna Kandi F&A 3688 aparnakandi@iisc.ac.in
Ex Gen Secretary Dr. Thirumaleswara Naik ME 2960 rtnaik@iisc.ac.in
Faculty Club Testing DST



Reading Room

The reading room with newspapers and magazines is open during the entire working period.


The lending library has a small collection of fiction, non- fiction, and children’s books and non-current issues of magazines. Members can borrow two books and two magazines at a time. There is a good television and audio system.


Sports Room

There are two billiards and two table-tennis tables in a separate building. These facilities are available from 12 noon to 2 pm and from 5 pm onwards. Other indoor sports available are caroms and chess. The Bridge group meets on Wednesday evenings.

Play Area & Gym

Play equipment for small children is available within the premises of the Club. The Indoor Gymnasium has basic equipment for cardiovascular exercise and muscle toning.



The Snack Parlour serves a hot healthy lunch to members on working days between 12.45 pm and 2 pm. Tea and coffee with biscuits are available from 10 am to 6 pm with a gap between 2 and 3 pm. Evening tiffin is between 4 pm and 6 pm. Different snacks are served on different days of the week.

Club House

The Club hosts music concerts regularly for the community. Lectures on topics of general interest are also held periodically. The Club meets around the New Year for the Annual Lunch which is the time for the entire community to get together and celebrate.
