Message From Deans of Faculties

Dear Prospective Student,

Greetings from Indian Institute of Science (IISc), a premier institution of education, research and innovation in science and engineering. It gives us immense pleasure to note that you are considering to join IISc for your higher studies.

Since its beginnings in 1909, IISc has pioneered various post-graduate and undergraduate degree programs and continues to contribute to cutting-edge research. Our research-based approaches utilizing the expertise of the world-class faculty allow us to offer exciting programs in the conventional and interdisciplinary areas of science and engineering. We admit students to Ph. D., Integrated Ph.D., M.Sc., M.Tech., M.Tech. (Research), M.Tech. (online), M.Des., M.Mgt. and the four-year undergraduate degree programs. The areas of interdisciplinary research include mathematical and computational sciences, quantum technologies, energy, bioengineering, brain and artificial intelligence, water and climate change..

With the emphasis on the National Education Policy 2020 and the importance of practical training, in the last couple of years, we have introduced various new degree programs like M. Sc. in Life Sciences, and Chemical Sciences, M. Tech. in Bioengineering, Mobility Engineering, Semiconductor Technology, etc. This year a new M.Tech program in Sustainable Technology is being introduced. In addition, based on the success of our path-breaking four-year undergraduate program in science, a four-year interdisciplinary program of B. Tech. in mathematics and computing was introduced in the year 2022.

Whatever may be your natural skills and interests — mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry, and newer areas in engineering and technology — you will find, a congenial and stimulating environment to develop and sharpen your skills to make original contributions in the area of your choosing.

IISc continues to play a leadership role and we take pride in conducting advanced research in diverse fields of science and technology. We focus on several areas of national and social importance such as nanoscience, space science, material science and bioengineering, environmental and atmospheric sciences, urban mobility, viruses and vaccines, communicable and non-communicable diseases, robotics technology, and biomedical research.

The Institute houses a vibrant Centre for Scientific and Industrial Consultancy (CSIC) and Society for Innovation and Development (SID) to boost translational research and collaborations with the industrial partners. These centres have promoted IISc-led start-ups and introduced new technologies and platforms. Furthermore, our research, our high-end supercomputing facility (Param Pravega), and state-of-the-art testing facilities, e. g., wind tunnel, shock tunnel, have been helping public and private sector industries for many years.

The details of the various academic programs of the Institute, and the information on how to apply for admissions, are given in this website.

We look forward to welcoming you to the serenity of our lush green campus. You may, of course, feel free to direct your queries to us or to the departments/centres of your interest.

Prof. Ashitava Ghosal

Prof. Asokan S

Dean, Faculty of Engineering

Dean, Faculty of Science

01st Feb, 2024
