Golden Jubilee Memorial Lectures

The Golden Jubilee Memorial Lecture was instituted in 1960 from the Alumni Fund (resolution XXVI of council meeting dated 03-10-1960). The lecture is to be held every alternate or third year as the case may be by an eminent past student of the Institute. The selection of the lecture to be made by the IISc Past students’ Association, 3-4 months in advance and well before the lecture date. As honorarium of Rs.1000/- for the lecture was suggested at that time along with travel and hospitality. The amount is to be met from the accruals of the fund that is collected during the golden jubilee celebration. The inaugural lecture was given by Dr.Vikram Sarabhai on “The sun and the interplanetary space” in 1966. The latest and the 18th in the series was delivered by Dr.Subra Suresh on “Study of Human diseases at the intersection of engineering, science and medicine.

Vikram A. Sarabhai

The Sun and Interplanetary Space, 1966 Link

K. Venkataraman

New Dyes for Old and New Fibres, 1968 Link

S. Swayambu

Modern Trends in Electric Drive Systems for Industry, 1971

G. P. Kane

1974—A Year of Crisis or Opportunity?, 1975

S. Krishnaswamy

Energy Prospects for India in the International Environment, 1977

A. Sreenivasan

Some Growing Points in Food Research, 1979

S. Ramamritham

The Pharmaceutical Industry’s Need for Technology Improvement, 1981

L. S. Srinath

Intellectual Honesty and the Spirit of Inquiry, 1987

T. R. Satish Chandran

The Indian Economy-Some Disturbing Trends, 1989Link

R. Chidambaram

Fascination at High Pressures, 1991Link

P. Rama Rao

The Development and Application of Low Alloy Ultra High Strength Steels, 1993Link

N. Seshagiri

Virtual Reality -an Emerging High-tech Discipline for Enhanced Perception in Scientific and Engineering Research, 1995Link

E. S. Raja Gopal

Metrology: New Vistas, 1998Link

Ernst-Ludwig Winnacker

Some Perspectives for Biotechnology, 2001Link

K. Kasturirangan

A Broadband Space Observatory- A Unique Tool to Explore the Cosmos, 2005Link

Mohammad Hamid Ansari

Lecture on the release of the Centenary Postage Stamp, 2008Link

Shivshankar Menon

Science and Security, 2010Link

Subra Suresh

Study of Human Diseases at the Intersection of Engg., Science & Medicine, 2014Link

Eric Maskin

Financial Crises: Why they occur and what to do about them, 2018Link