Health Centre

Health Insurance Coverage for Employees/Pensioners and their dependent family members for the year 2023-24 new

Employees/Pensioners who wish to opt for Additional Insurance coverage, will need to login to the portal, the link of the portal is

The Health Centre of the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore provides Health Care to the Institute Community comprising of Staff and Students. A large number of the staff members and their families are residents in the campus. Though small in relative terms, the Health Center is well equipped to undertake a number of clinical investigations and offers outpatient care as well as provides in-patient treatment. The Health Centre is located on the south-west end of the campus, close to the J N Center building, and opposite to the Students’ Hostel.

Health Centre is providing Primary Health Care to the Staff and their dependents, Students, Pensioners and spouse, and family pensioners.

The Health Centre offers round the clock Out Patient, In-patient treatment and the Emergency Care. The special care is also available in the areas of Medicine and Gynecology, Dermatology, EYE and Psychiatry. The Consultants are attending the cases referred by Medical Officers and Area Medical Officers on appointment basis at the time slot allotted to them.

It has a Dental unit providing mainly preventive dentistry attended by qualified Dentist. It has a full pledged Physiotherapy Unit manned by a qualified Physiotherapist. It has a Pharmacy, which is storing and dispensing most of the medicines required for patients and it is fully computerized. The Health Centre acquires the medicines through rate contract.

It has a Clinical Laboratory which is computerized and doing routine and special investigations. The Clinical Laboratory opens at 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday it works from 8.00 a.m. to 1 p.m. On Holidays and Sundays it opens between 9 to 11 a.m.

The Health Centre has an Operation Theatre. Surgeries are being done under general anesthesia and spinal anesthesia. The routine surgical cases are being done under local anesthesia.

The radiology department opens from 8.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. The routine X-ray are being done at the X-ray department.

The Health Centre has Ultrasound Unit manned by Consultant Radiologist who comes on daily basis.

The Health Centre Office looks all Administrative Work and Correspondences.

The permanent staff and pensioners are the members of the Contributory Health Service Scheme (CHSS) of the Institute. The Staff and their dependents, Pensioners and their Spouse, Family Pensioners are covered under Group Medical Insurance. The Students are covered under Students Medical Care Scheme of the Institute.

All minor ailments are treated at Health Centre as outpatient. Health Centre has 4 Permanent Experienced Doctors and  5 Authorized Medical Officers maintaining Out Patient, In-Patient and Emergency case. There are 5 Area Medical Officers catering to the needs of the employees residing outside the campus. Most of the medicines required for outpatient treatment are dispensed at Health Centre. Such of those medicines, which are not dispensed at Health Centre, are prescribed to buy out side for pensioners and for the serving employees, it is procured from M/s Emami Frank Ross Ltd., and dispensed.

Health Centre has 2 emergency beds for day care facilities and 10 general beds are kept for general cases. The Isolation Ward with Two Beds is available for some of the infectious diseases.

It has 24 hours Ambulance Service for emergency services for outside referrals. There is a Night Duty Doctor to look after emergencies in the night and other patients particularly student’s community.

The Students are covered under Student Medical Care Scheme. A sum of Rs. 5,000/- per annum is reimbursed for Medical Claims under this scheme. The inpatient treatment for Students admitted during 2022-2023 for major illness is covered under Group Medical Insurance upto Rs.3 lakh per annum.

The inpatient treatment for major illness is covered under Group Medical Insurance up to Rs. 5 lakhs per family per annum. The Group Medical Insurance is PAN India, the inpatient treatment throughout India is covered by the M/s The New India Assurance Co., Ltd. from 01.08.2022 to 31.07.2023 (CHSS)The Cashless treatment is made available across India at Hospitals recognized by the M/s EAST WEST Assist Insurance TPA Ltd., (Third Party Service Providers).  

There is no requirement of Referral Letter from the Health Center to claim Insurance.

One Ayurvedic practioner is recognized to provide Health Care in alternative system of medicines.

  1. Online doctors appointment
  2. The health centre medical staff and facilities
  3. Staff pattern
  4. Out patient division
  5. Area medical officers
  6. Contributory health service scheme (chss) – procedure for group medical insurance

    Staff/Pensioner : Download E-card The Insurance policy no for the year 2022-23. User ID: iis[Employee id] (Ex: iis1234) and Password: Date of Birth ( DDMMYYYY format). Post first log in employee is required to change the password and also update the phone no . Email ID may also be updated under the profile section.

    Please click here to find the link to Network Hospitals connected to NEW INDIA ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED FOR THE YEAR 2023 TO 2024 ( From 01.08.2023 to 31.07.2024).

    Student : Download E-card For Students USERNAME=Last five digits of SR No@ iisc, PASSWORD=DDMMYYYY and for Students spouse it is “Last five digits of SR No/1@iisc“, PASSWORD=DDMMYYYY   Click here to view Students and Project Staff Benefits Manual

    Project Staff : Download E-card For project staff USERNAME=EMPCODE@ iisc, PASSWORD=DDMMYYYY and for Project staff spouse it is EmployeeCode/1@iisc, PASSWORD=DDMMYYYY   Click here to view Students and Project Staff Benefits Manual

    Student and Project staff IFFCO-TOKIO CLAIM FORM AND CHECKLIST

  7. Ammendment for availing maternity benefits outside bengaluru
  8. Student’s health care scheme
  9. Circular Regarding OPD Claims
  10. Advisory for Pensioners

Links to several health related information
