Ashitava Ghosal


Ashitava Ghosal

PhD, Stanford University, California, 1986
MS, University of Florida at Gainesville, Florida, 1982
BTech, IIT Kanpur, 1980



Research Interests

Kinematics, dynamics, control and design of robots and other computer-controlled mechanical systems, Theoretical and numerical investigations of non-linear dynamical systems, Kinematics of parallel mechanisms and manipulators
Design of mechanical systems,
Biomedical devices, CAD/CAM


  • ME 240 Dynamics and Control of Mechanical Systems
  • ME 246 Introduction to Robotics
  • PD 229 Computer Aided Product Design

Selected Recent Publications

  • Ashwin, K. P., Chaudhury, A. N. and Ghosal, A., “Efficient representation of ducts and cluttered spaces for realistic motion planning of hyper-redundant robots through confined paths”, Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 119,  2020, 102777.
  • Ashwin, K. P. and Ghosal, A., “Static modeling of miniaturized pneumatic artificial muscles, kinematic analysis and experiments on an endoscopic end-effector”, IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics , Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 1429-1439, 2019.  DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2019.2916783.
  • Puneet Singh, Abhishek Lenka, Albert Stezin, Ketan Jhunjhunwala, Pramod Kumar Pal, Ashitava Ghosal, Aditya Murthy, “Basal ganglia contributions during the learning of a visuomotor rotation: effect of dopamine, deep brain stimulation and reinforcement”, European Journal of Neuroscience, June 2019.
  • Ahmad, N., Ranganath, R. and Ghosal A., “Modeling of coupled dynamics of damping particles filled in the cells of a honeycomb sandwich plate and experimental validation”, JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control, Vol. 25, No. 11, pp. 1706-1719, 2019.
  • Ashwin, K. P. and Ghosal, A., “A survey of static modeling of miniaturized pneumatic artificial muscles with new model and experimental results”, Trans. ASME, Applied Mechanics Reviews, Vol. 70, No. 4, pp. 040802-19, 2018.

Sponsored Projects

Onboard passive micro vibration isolation in spacecraft, STC, 2017-2020

Additional Information

  • Elected Member of IFToMM Executive Committee (2016-2019 & 2020-2023)
  • Elected Fellow of Indian National of Engineering (2010)
  • Associate Editor: Mechanism and Machine Theory, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines
  • Robotics: Fundamental Concepts and Analysis, Oxford University Press (2006)