Road Safety

Dear All,

Over the years, the Institute has witnessed a phenomenal increase in vehicular traffic. As a result, many of the arterial roads/byroads and intersections are operating above capacity resulting in high density of traffic in the campus.

Despite constant efforts of the Institute to improve the facilities (Asphalting of roads, formation of periphery road, subway, increasing of parking lots, fixing of road humps & reflectors and elevated pathway for pedestrians, etc.,), traffic in the campus is causing anxiety and traffic discipline sometimes is lacking, leading to accidents

As our campus is “pedestrian and cyclists friendly”, we urge the Institute community to join hands with administration in making the roads safer for everyone. We request all to follow the simple safety norms, listed below:

1. All the motorists are requested to wear helmets compulsorily.

2. Park the vehicles only at the designated parking lots/Avoid parking on roads

3. All those who are driving cars and the person seated in the front seat are requested to wear seat belts compulsorily

4. Avoid using cell phone while riding/driving

5. Avoid using motorized vehicles for intra campus movement

6. Use only low beam light at nights

7. Avoid reckless driving & over speeding and drive cautiously (Max 30 KMP speed) inside the campus

8. Avoid unnecessary honking

9. Slow down at intersections and look for other vehicles even if you have right of way

10. Be cautious on rainy days as the roads are slippery

11. Discourage Underage driving in the campus

12. Learning of vehicle driving is strictly restricted in the campus

To sensitise the Institute community on road safety, it is proposed to conduct a safety awareness special drive from 27th to 29th June 2017, in the Institute campus wherein the security personnel will stop the vehicles, request the riders/drivers to wear helmet or seat belt as the case may be, not to use high beam, etc

We request everyone to co-operate with security personnel and follow the road Safety practices to avoid accidents.

