Institute Colloquium by Prof. Apoorva D. Patel in Faculty Hall @ 4 pm.

Location: Faculty Hall


Dear All,

Institute Colloquium

Title : The Physics of Computation: Directions from the Quantum World

Speaker : Professor Apoorva D. Patel

Venue : Faculty Hall

Date/Time : 20th September 2018 at 4 PM

Computation is physical processing of information. In particular, physical laws limit the mathematical operations that can be implemented as well as the efficiency of implementation. Quantum computation has rapidly grown as an exciting subject in recent years, with tremendous technological potential. What are the concepts needed to design a quantum computer? What type of algorithms will it run? Where will that be useful? I will attempt to answer these questions, based on my explorations of the subject, covering physics, computer science and biology.

Short biodata:
Apoorva D. Patel is a Professor at the Centre for High Energy Physics at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. He obtained his MSc in Physics (1980) from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, and his PhD in Physics (1984) from the California Institute of Technology, USA. He has extensively worked on lattice gauge theory investigations of Quantum Chromodynamics. He is also notable for his work on quantum algorithms, and the application of information theory concepts to understand the structure of genetic languages.

Professor Anurag Kumar, Director

Will preside

All are Welcome

Coffee/Tea : 5-00 p.m.
